Sensory Processing Disorder
Links verified 6/21/2021
- A Parent's Guide to Understanding Sensory Integration - A booklet to help parents understand some of the problems occurring in their children.
- Calming Activities - Variety of activities to use for children with sensory processing disorders.
- FAQs - Answers to common questions about sensory processing disorder.
- Impact of Sensory Integration in the Classroom - An example of 5 tools one teacher has used in the classroom to assist students with sensory processing disorder.
- Issues with Sensory Processing - Information for parents and caretakers on "what you need to know..."
- Kids Who Feel Too Much - "Children with sensory processing disorder sometimes overreact or underreact to touch, sounds, and food textures. Doctors debate the condition, but parents say it's real, and therapists say it's treatable." - From Parents Magazine
- Parent Fact Sheet - Signs and symptoms of sensory processing disorder.
- Problem Behavior in the Classroom - Dealing with children and sensory processing disorders at school.
- Sensory Integration Activities - Simple activities and exercises parents can do with a child with sensory processing disorder. More activities to try.
- Sensory Integration in the Classroom - Strategies to use as preparatory activities for desk time or as transition times throughout the day.
- Sensory Integration Tips for Teachers - Tips that can help children who are oversensitive to light touch and who need movement to stay organized in the classroom.
- Sensory Processing Disorder - Areas of dysfunction and the problems associated with each.
- Sensory Processing Disorder Checklist - Checklist to help assess signs and symptoms of dysfunction. Another checklist can be found here.
- The Sensory Smart Classroom - Suggestions for some easy ways to address sensory needs in the classroom.
- What Is Sensory Processing Disorder? - Information to help gain a better understanding of the disorder.
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