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Reading Disorder

Reading Disorder - Teaching Resources

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  1. 50 Best iPad Apps for Users with Reading Disabilities - Apps that are a great help to students with reading challenges.
  2. Clues to Reading Disabilities - Things to look for in different age groups that might suggest a reading disability.
  3. Effective Interventions for Older Students - PowerPoint on lessons from research of what works for students with reading difficulties.
  4. Evaluation of Children with Reading Difficulties - Evaluating developmental, educational, and family history in conjunction with standardized testing can increase recognition of risk factors for reading difficulties.
  5. Interventions for Students with Reading Disabilities - PowerPoint on the requirements at the school and classroom level.
  6. Reading Activities - Free, fun, and hands-on activities to keep a child engaged in the process of teaching them to read.
  7. Reading Comprehension: Strategies for Students with LD - Teaching comprehension to students with reading challenges.
  8. Reading Interventions for Kids with Learning Disabilities - What research has revealed as the best approach to teaching kids with LD to read.
  9. Reading Strategies - Suggestions and strategies to help children who are experiencing problems with decoding, comprehension, or reading retention.
  10. Summer Reading Strategies - How the help a child with a reading disorder enjoy summer reading.
  11. Teaching Reading to Teens with LD - Approaches to improve reading in adolescents.
  12. Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties and Disabilities - A resource guide to assist educators in teaching students experiencing significant difficulties, or who have a disability in reading and written expression.



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