Speech Therapy Resources
Links verified 9/16/2021
- Amazing Printable Resources that Every Speech Therapist Needs - links to resource pages [Caution: some are pay sites]
- Facilitated Communication - "A form of alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) in which people with disabilities and communication impairments express themselves by pointing (e.g. at pictures, letters, or objects) and, more commonly, by typing (e.g. in a keyboard). The method involves a communication partner who may provide emotional encouragement, communication supports (e.g., monitoring to make sure the person looks at the keyboard and checks for typographical errors) and a variety of physical supports..."
- Free Speech Therapy Materials - games, flashcards and worksheets
- Free Speech Therapy Resources You Need Right Now - most of the documents are in PDF format
- Online Phonetics Resources from Jennifer Smith - Audio, images, and interactive material, for introductory phonetics course.
- Speaking of Speech - An interactive forum for speech/language pathologists and teachers.
- Speech and Language Games and Cards - free printables
- Speech and Language Milestone Chart - These milestones are behaviors that emerge over time, forming the building blocks for growth and continued learning.
- Speech-Language Resources for Education Professionals - a gateway to information that will allow you to better understand language and literacy difficulties in school-age children
- Speech Language Therapy - Could your child have a problem? And if so, what should you do?
- Teaching Talking - speech therapy resources
- Tongue Twisters - using tongue twisters to help improve pronunciation
- Welcome to "Speechers Class"! - Click on a game and play it orally for speech practice.
a site for teachers |
a PowerPoint show |
Adobe Acrobat document |
a Word document
sound |
video format |
interactive lesson |
a quiz |
lesson plan |
to print
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