Count objects to 25 using one-to-one correspondence and identify the quantity in the counted group. 0006.2.1
Links verified on 12/16/2009
- Counting on a Cloud - Pick a picture, then pick a number. One to one correspondence.
- Connect the Dots to Make a Picture - [1-10] click on the numbers in sequence
- Connect the Dots to Make a Picture - [1-15] click on the numbers in sequence
- Connect the Dots to Make a Picture - [1-20] click on the numbers in sequence
- Count the Number of Wheels - You will be shown several pictures to count the wheels
Counting - free worksheets from Math Slice, from 1 to ten objects to count
- Counting Objects - count to 10, count to 30, Customize it for some other number - from FreeMathTest
- Worksheets to print are also available supporting instruction of this topic
- Count the Ants - [1-10] click on the number that matches the number of ants
- Counting by 2's, 5's, & 10's - counting backward or forward, select the missing number
- Farm Addition - Count the chicks and drag the number that tells how many.
- How Many? - [1-10] click on the number that match the amount
- How Many? - [1-20] click on the number that match the amount
- How Much Money is This? - count by 10's (dimes) up to $1.00
- Learn to Count - [1-12] count the number of fish and click on the number
- Match Number word with Numeral - 0-25
- Name that Numeral - [1-10] click on the number word that matches the numeral
Number Cards - [1-20] Print and present as a number strip or cut up individual numbers to be placed in order by students. If numbers are too small, enlarge on a photocopier
- Numeral recognition - Bear Dice Game- click on the dice and match the cards with the same numbers.
- Select Six - click on all the things that there are six of | Seven | Eight
- Sequences - Count by 2's, 5's, or 10's or customize or print worksheets
- Valentine Counting - [1-10] count the number of dots on a heart and drag it into a bag with the matching number
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