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Culture Topics - Eighth 8th Grade Social Studies

8th Grade Social Studies Standards - Culture

Links verified 5/24/2011


8.1.1 Religion - Recognize the definition of religion.
8.1.2 Cultures - Identify cultures that contributed to the development of the United States (i.e., Native American, African, British, Scottish, Irish, and German).
8.1.3 Science and Technology - Recognize the influence of science and technology on the development of early American colonial cultures (i.e., compass, shipbuilding, food storage, printing press, financial markets, weaponry, and transportation).
8.1.4 Major Religions - Compare and contrast the tenets of America's early major religions (i.e., Olmec beliefs, Native American Earth/Mother spirit, African Traditional Religion, Puritanism, and Quakerism).
8.1.5 Contributions of Religion - Identify how religion contributed to early American society (e.g., impact on government, education, social norms, slavery, and tolerance).
8.1.7 Immigration - Recognize how immigration and cultural diffusion have influenced the character of a place (i.e., religion within certain colonies, African songs in the American south, and British vs. French influences).
8.1.9 Timeline - Interpret a timeline of technological innovations.



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