Connect operations with decimals to money and make estimates. (0406.1.3)
Links verified on 12/28/2015
- Lunch Lady - The Lunch Lady (you) must total the three items on ten lunch trays (one at a time) in three minutes. [a money counting game from Mr. Nussbaum]
- Million Dollar Mission - a mathematics fantasy
- Money Worksheet - Write the amount of money in decimal form.
- Round To The Nearest Dollar - Worksheet that may be printed off, or use for whole class activity.
- Scottie Nickel's Change Maker - become a human CoinStar machine - Calculate the total amount of change the customer has. Next, think of a way to make $1.75 with as few coins as possible.
- They're Having A Sale! - Worksheet word problems; estimate what you can buy with the money you have.
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