Match major cloud types with specific atmospheric conditions SPI 0307.8.2
Links verified 12/27/2014
- Cloud Boutique - explanations of and access to detailed pictures of some basic cloud forms provided by the Plymouth State Meteorology Program
- Cloud Clues - How to forecast the weather by studying clouds [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Cloud Exploration - take a quick tour through the cloud types or look at a database of a large number of cloud pictures [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Cloud Forecasting - Clouds can tell you many things about what the weather will do. [This expired link, and the two that follow, are available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page(s) don't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Use what you learned to make a forecast for your Dad.
- Help Dad plan the rest of your trip.
- Compare and contrast warm and cold fronts - excellent animations of each type of front
- Cloud Matching Game - Drag the photos of clouds on left to the correct name for that cloud on the right. Wrong matches will snap back! Right matches will stick!
- Clouds and Precipitation - The purpose of this module is to introduce a number of cloud classifications, different types of precipitation, and the mechanisms responsible for producing them
- Cloud Quiz - ten pictures with multiple choice questions
- Cloud Types - this page provides information about each cloud group and any cloud classes associated with them
- Forecast the Weather Using Clouds - Clouds are one of the easiest clues to future weather [from Wiki How]
- How to be a Storm Spotter - clouds and the weather associated with them
- How to Forecast Weather Using Clouds - a basic knowledge of clouds will enable you to predict the weather for yourself
- How to Read Clouds to Forecast Weather - a basic understanding of clouds will help you formulate a local forecast
- National Severe Storms Laboratory Photo Album - use these to ask students about types of weather associated
- Predicting the Weather Using Clouds - a four-step instructable
- Radar Loop of the last 2 hours covering the contiguous United States. This Doppler radar site indicates clouds, rain and snow with different colors, and refreshes 4 times per hour. Radar Site which allows you to zoom in
- Satellite Movies of Air Masses Moving across North America
- Tips for Forecasting the Weather - step-by-step process including links to real time weather data
- Using Clouds to Predict the Weather - lots of pictures to help you
- Weather Associated with Cloud Types - Caution! The background of this page is horrible. The easiest way to make the page easier to read is to select all text. Hold down the Ctrl key (or the Apple key) and tap the A key one time.
- Weather Quiz - five questions relates to clouds
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