Interpret data found on ocean current maps 0607.8.5
Links verified 5/27/2024
- How Does the Ocean Affect Climate and Weather On Land? - The ocean doesn't just store solar radiation, it also helps to distribute heat around the globe.
- Ocean Currents - winds, water density, and tides all drive ocean currents
- Ocean Currents - information on where currents flow and why
- Ocean Currents and Climate - a large number of excellent images are includes with this explanation
- Ocean Currents and Climate - Ocean currents play a key role in determining how the ocean distributes heat energy throughout the planet
- Ocean Currents and Coastal Temperatures - a three page lesson plan to print
- Ocean Surface Currents - [A web-based ocean current reference site] Each current has important links, summary text detailing velocity and hydrographic observations, and plots such as, average current speed and locations, drifting buoy positions, sea surface temperature maps.
- Picturing the Gulf Stream Current - some of the history of Benjamin Franklin's discovery
- Slowdown of the Motion of the Ocean - The Atlantic Ocean's currents play an important role in our global climate
- Surface Ocean Current Map - warm and cold currents are color coded on this map
- Surface Ocean Currents - three levels of explanation are available from Windows to the Universe - select Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced
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