Illustrate the positions of the earth, moon, and sun during specific tidal conditions 0607.6.5
Links verified 5/29/2024
- AllAbout Tides -Tides: the earth, the moon and the sun
- Animation of Spring and Neap Tides - endlessly repeats from one to the other
- Catch a Wave - Can you determine a diurnal, semi diurnal or mixed tide?
- How can people predict the tides? - Answered by Discovery Channel
- The King of Tides - WebQuest requiring students to gather information and draw a conclusion
- Learn About Ocean Tides, Tidepools & Tide Prediction - Use the Internet to predict the times and heights of tides.
- Ocean Motion - Types of Tides
- Tides - Look up at the Moon, and you’re seeing the main cause of the surge and retreat of oceans from our shores
- Tides - how the tides work
- Tides - What causes tides and how are they predicted?
- Tides - The rhythmic rise and fall of the oceans water at a fixed location is known as the tide.
- Tide Curiosities - answers to four interesting questions [including "Why do some places have only one high tide in a day instead of two?"]
- Tide Simulator - [select student version and then click on Tide Simulator] excellent animation
- Tides - from 'All About Ocean and Seas' at Enchanted Learning
- Tides - what causes the tides to change in the ocean [includes good illustrations]
- Tides and Water Levels - most areas have two high tides and two low tides each day
- Tides in two easy pieces - The moon accounts for about 2/3rd of the Ocean tides
- What Causes Tides? - download the "What Causes Tides?" poster for your classroom
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