Distinguish among a day, lunar cycle, and year based on the movements of the earth, sun, and moon SPI 0607.6.3
Links verified 5/27/2024
- Animation of the Earth's Daily Rotation - students can make changes to the animation or
- Astronomy - Rotation and Revolution - a Quia quiz
- Calendar Types - lunar, solar and metonic cycles
- Examine the phases of the moon from Earth and space - observe the lunar cycle or
- Earth Sun Geometry - rotation and revolution of the earth with many good diagrams
- Earth's Orbit Activities - eleven activities
- Earth's Rotation Activities - nine activities
- Explore a Model of Earth's Yearly Rotation - from Houghton Mifflin
- Explore a Model of the Earth's Yearly Revolution Around the Sun - Examine the model carefully to compare the amount of sunlight the Northern and Southern Hemispheres receive in March, June, September, and December. or
- The Moon in Your Sky - Choose a date and discover how the moon will likely appear on that day
- Revolution with and without rotation
- Rotation and Revolution of the Earth - an Introduction to Solar System Astronomy from Ohio State
- Rotation and Revolution of the Planets - consider the orbits of the planets in more detail
site for teachers | PowerPoint show | Acrobat document | Word document | whiteboard resource | sound | video format | interactive lesson | a quiz | lesson plan | to print
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