Use data to draw conclusions about the major components of the universe SPI 0607.6.1
Links verified 5/27/2024
- Amazing Space is a set of web-based activities primarily designed for classroom use, but made available for all to enjoy.
- An animation of a comet's passage through the solar system - Compared to the planets, most comets have highly elliptical orbits and widely varying orbital speeds. Comet Halley's next passage through the inner solar system will occur in the year 2061.
Astronomy Resources at Internet4Classrooms
- Atlas of the Universe - This web page is designed to give everyone an idea of what our universe actually looks like. There are nine main maps on this web page, each one approximately ten times the scale of the previous one.
- The Cosmic Distance Scale - This feature will give an impression of how immense our Universe is by employing a method used many times in "Power of 10" films - that is, starting with an image of the Earth and then zooming out to the furthest visible reaches of our Universe.
- The Cosmic Distance Scale - a series of web-based exercises designed to take students on an interactive tour measuring cosmic distances
- Galaxy Index - photo index which leads to pages with more complete information
- Spiral Galaxy pictures - Alwyn Botha has posted this excellent set of galaxy pictures to assist those who want to take their own astrophotographs, or those who simply want to see the beautiful pinwheel shapes of spiral galaxies. Thanks for all of the hard work Alwyn.
- How many stars are there in the Universe? - an interesting article on how to make an estimate of the number of stars
- Hubble Heritage Project - index to images from the Hubble Space Telescope
- Hubble Space Telescope's greatest hits - some of the best images from 1990-1995, plus links to other Hubble images.
- Mysteries of Deep Space from PBS Online
- National Science Foundation Division of Astronomical Sciences provides some useful links to astronomical on-line resources.
- NOVA - an archive of past NOVA shows on the subject of space
- Photo Gallery of the National Space Science Data Center
- Size Comparison - a sequence of models compares larger and larger objects - great pictures
- Space Science Education Resource from NASA
- Space Telescope Science Institute - Astronomy resources, data archives and HST
- StarChild - A Learning Center for Young Astronomers from NASA
- Star Journey is based on National Geographic's popular map, "The Heavens."
- Understanding the Universe - an exploration with the American Museum of Natural History at
- Windows to the Universe - the site is written in three reading levels approximating elementary, middle school and high school reading levels - levels may be chosen by using the upper button bar of each page of the main site
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