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Landforms Affect Weather & Climate


Use local environmental information to analyze how weather and climate are affected by landforms and bodies of water 0507.8.4

Links verified 9/19/2014

  1. Climate - systems that play a role in determining climate
  2. Create a New Hawaiian Island - read the page then click on the link at the bottom of the page to experiment with these local effects on climate by creating a new Hawaiian island! This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  3. How do geographical features affect climate in Juneau Alaska? - from Wiki Answers
  4. Interactive Climate Map - Move your cursor over a rectangle to see a climograph. Click on the rectangle to view information about the climate at that location This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  5. Interactive Weather Maker - investigate how weather is made by observing the effect of the changes that you make This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data also This interactive site would work well on an interactive whiteboard
  6. Koppen's Climate Classification - Click on a blue "x" to see the climograph for that location [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.] This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  7. Landforms in the Continental United States - high quality transparency master An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  8. U.S. Climate at a Glance - from the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, North Carolina
  9. World Climate - What the weather is normally like for tens of thousands of places worldwide! WorldClimate.com contains over 85,000 records of world climate data (historical weather averages)

A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessons site for teachers | A PowerPoint show related to this standard PowerPoint show | An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format Acrobat document | A Microsoft Word document to be downloaded Word document | This interactive site would work well on an interactive whiteboard whiteboard resource | This resource includes voice instructions for students sound | A video is available through this link video format | This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data interactive lesson | This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding a quiz | A lesson plan can be found at this site lesson plan | This link includes something for the teacher to print to print

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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