Interpret and translate data into a table, graph, or diagram SPI 0607.Inq.3
Links verified 5/16/2024
- Bar Graph - Enter data to create a bar graph, then manipulate the graph's maximum and minimum values
- Circle Graph - Enter data categories and the value of each category to create a circle graph (similar to "Pie Chart" but the user can define the data set)
- Fun and Sun Rent-a-Car - students use tables, graphs, linear functions to solve a real-world problem
- Heads I Win - predict the likelihood of tossing heads or tails and graphs the results of coin tosses
- The Hot Tub - This is a fun activity where students tell the story behind a graph and relate slope to rate of change.
- How to Convert Data Into a Chart/Graph - instructions on using Excel
- How to Solve Graph Interpretation Problems
- How to Transform a Table into a Chart in Microsoft Word - once the chart is created, you can easily customize it
- How to Translate Tabular Data Into Graphs - learn about bar graphs, pie charts, and scatterplots
- Interpreting Line Graphs - explore line graphs.
- Magic Bullets: Chemistry vs. Cancer - In this activity students will work with data about cancer deaths. The purpose of the activity is to give students some experience in reading and interpreting graphs. There is a worksheet associated with the data sets
- Pie Chart - Students view pie charts (parameters: number of sectors, size of sector as a percent)
- Piece Of Pie - display data using a circle graph
- Push Ups - collect data to put on a line graph
- Reading Charts and Graphs - In this lesson you will: read bar graphs, pie charts, and grid charts, review percentages in pie charts, and compare types of information shown in different kinds of charts
- Stem and Leaf Plots
Lesson designed to introduce students to stem-and-leaf plots - this lesson plan includes a link to a worksheet to use with the lesson
- Let the Games Begin - Olympic Trials in Data Analysis -
Long Distance Airplanes - a stem-and-leaf plot lesson from Iluminations (rated 3rd-5th grade, but quite useful)
- Overview of Mean, Median, and Mode - presented in the format of a discussion between student and mentor
- Overview of stem-and-leaf plot - a display that organizes data to show its shape and distribution
- Stem and Leaf Plotter - an interactive applet that allow students to input data
- Stem-and-Leaf plots - from Purple Math
- Worksheet to accompany a "Stem-and-Leaf Plots" Lesson
- What Percentage of your Class is Right or Left Handed? - a data collection and analysis class experiment
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