Use exponential notation to represent repeated multiplication of whole numbers. 0506.2.10
Links verified on 9/15/2014
- Calculating with Scientific Notation - explanation, several examples and links to a large number of worksheets at the bottom of the page [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Converting Numbers to Scientific Notation - AAA Math lesson and practice problems
- Converting Standard Numbers to Scientific Notation - instruction and review, practice, and a quiz
- Converting from Scientific Notation to Standard Numbers - instruction and review, practice, and a quiz
- Comparing Scientific and Standard Notation Numbers - instruction and review, practice, and a quiz
- Converting Decimal Numbers to Scientific Notation - instruction and review, practice, and a quiz
- Converting from Scientific Notation to Decimal Numbers - instruction and review, practice, and a quiz
- Converting Fractions to Scientific Notation - instruction and review, practice, and a quiz
- Cube of a Number - AAA Math lesson and practice problems
- Division Using Scientific Notation - two examples and seven practice problems
- Evaluating Exponents of Negative Numbers - AAA Math lesson and practice problems
- Exponential Expressions - find the exponential expression that is equivalent to the number given
- Exponent Practice - Try a workout of 10 problems. If you get at least 8 correct on your first attempt, then you're ready to move on. If not, review "In Depth" and try again.
- Exponents - Unit 3 from Ms. Glosser's Math Goodies
- Interactive Algebra Review on Integer Exponents [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Multiplication and Division Problems Using Scientific Notation - two examples and seven practice problems
- Multiplication in Scientific Notation - four examples and seven practice problems
- Practice Test - determine if the number is written in scientific notation [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Practice with Scientific Notation - Pencil and paper may be needed - (answers provided) [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Scientific Notation - explanation from New York University's MathMol page
- Scientific Notation - Why your wrist (or keyboard) will thank you for not writing all those zeros.
- Scientific Notation - interactive practice
- Scientific Notation Problem Generator - either the scientific notation or standard notation representation of a number will be shown. Put the corresponding value(s) in the empty cell(s) and press "Check Answer".
- Scientific Notation Quiz - click on a number in one column and then click on the corresponding number in the other column
- Scientific Notation Quiz - This quiz is designed to test your reading comprehension and understanding of scientific notation.
- Scientific Notation Worksheet - eight numbers to convert to scientific notation followed by eight numbers in scientific notation to convert to standard notation, no answer key
- Scientific Notation Worksheets - four levels of difficulty are available
- Scientific Notation Worksheets - two-step process to customize worksheets, answer sheet available
- Simplifying - Expressions that have had their like terms combined. Match each expression on the left with an expression on the right. Type the letter of the correct expression in the box.
- Symbols of Inclusion - simplify each expression and choose the correct comparison symbol
- WebQuest: Scientific Notation - lesson plan in WebQuest format
- Worksheets for Multiplying and Dividing in Scientific Notation - from Math Teacher's Assistant
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