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Geography Topics - Eighth 8th Grade Social Studies

8th Grade Social Studies Standards - Geography

Links verified 5/24/2011


8.3.1 Migration and Immigration - Recognize the causes and examples of migration and immigration in early America (i.e., land, religion, money, pioneer spirit, indentured servitude, displacement, and slavery).
8.3.2 Map Elements - Identify and use the key geographic elements on maps (i.e., island, flood plain, swamp, delta, marsh, harbor, cape, sea level, bay, prairie, desert, oasis, mesa, mountain, valley, glacier, canyon, cliff, and plateau).
8.3.3 Environment - Interpret examples which illustrate how cultures adapt to or change the environment (i.e., deforestation, subsistence farming, cash crop, and dam and road building).
8.3.4 Geographic Data - Use various geographic data from maps and globes to determine longitude, latitude, distance, and direction.
8.3.5 Geographic Map - Interpret a geographic map of the early United States.
8.3.6 Topography - Recognize how topographical features such as mountain and river systems influenced the settlement and expansion of the United States (i.e., Cumberland Gap, Wilderness Road, and Ohio and Tennessee river systems).
8.3.7 Population Data - Interpret a chart or map of population characteristics of the early United States (i.e., density, distribution, and regional growth).



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