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Governance & Civics - Eighth 8th Grade Social Studies

8th Grade Social Studies Standards - Governance and Civics

Links verified 5/24/2011


8.4.1 Citizenship - Identify the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of a member of the United States of America (i.e., Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution, and Bill of Rights).
8.4.2 Systems of Governance - Identify the purposes and structures of various systems of governance (i.e., Federalism, Confederation, Republic, Democracy, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial).
8.4.3 Purpose and Powers - Recognize the purpose of government and how its powers are acquired, used, and justified.
8.4.4 Rights and Responsibilities - Recognize the rights and responsibilities of individuals throughout the development of the United States.
8.4.5 Conflict and Cooperation - Identify how conditions, actions, and motivations contributed to conflict and cooperation between states, regions, and nations.
8.4.6 Bill of Rights - Recognize the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights
8.4.7 Court Decisions - Recognize the impact of major court decisions have had on American life, (i.e., Marbury vs. Madison, McCulloch vs. Maryland, and Dred Scott vs. Sandford).
8.4.8 Individual Rights - Recognize how a right must be interpreted to balance individual rights with the need for order (i.e., freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and trial by jury).
8.4.9 Tennessee Leaders - Analyze the contributions of Tennessee political leaders on the national scene (e.g., Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, James K. Polk, Sequoyah, and Sam Houston).



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