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Governance & Civics Topics - 2nd Grade Social Studies

2nd Grade Social Studies Standards - Governance and Civics

Links verified 1/1/2015


2.4.1a Order and Security - Recognize how groups and organizations encourage unity and work with diversity to maintain order and security.
2.4.1b Government Function - Identify functions of governments.
2.4.1c Community Government - Be aware that every community has some form of governance.
2.4.1d Establish Order - Describe how governments establish order, provide security, and manage conflict.
2.4.2a Community Needs - Know that communities have different laws depending on the needs and problems of their community.
2.4.2b Tennessee Laws - Recognize people who make laws and people who enforce them in Tennessee.
2.4.2c Election and Appointment - Identify ways that public officials are selected, including election and appointment.
2.4.2d Leaders of Government - Distinguish among local, state, and national government and identify representative leaders at these levels such as mayor, governor, and president.
2.4.3a Good Citizenship - Identify characteristics of good citizenship such as establishing beliefs in justice, truth, equality, and responsibility for the common good.
2.4.3b Qualities - Identify qualities of good citizenship.
2.4.3c Examples - Identify ordinary people who exemplify good citizenship.
2.4.4a Governmental Services - Identify some governmental services in the community such as the libraries, schools, and parks, and explain their value to the community.
2.4.4b Financial Support - Explain how citizens fund various community services.
2.4.4c Patriotic Symbols - Explain the meaning of selected patriotic symbols and landmarks of Tennessee.



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