Give examples of the tension between the wants and needs of individuals and groups, and concepts such as fairness, equity, and justice. 1.6.2 b
Links verified 1/4/2015
- Civil Rights Is All About Fairness - This helps students identify with the situation of those discriminated against and understand the injustices.
- Justice Teaching - This site provides resource materials for teaching justice.
- Martin Luther King, Jr. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Legacy of Racial and Social Justice: A curriculum for Empowerment is a teacher's resource guide that provides activities for students to explore the rich history of the civil rights movement.
- Needs and Wants - Pictures of needs and wants, a quiz and a short lesson
- Upon the Clouds of Equality - In this lesson, students experience a simulation demonstrating unequal treatment and discuss justice and fairness.
Wants and Needs - A Cooperative Learning Lesson - (a lesson plan) Students sort magazine pictures into Wants and Needs. They will glue the pictures onto the correctly labeled poster board
When Wants Become Needs - Needs are what you must have. Needs are essential. Wants are what you would like to have. Wants are nice to have. But sometimes wants can become needs. (use this as a whole class activity) [this expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine]
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