Use common text parts and features to enhance understanding (e.g., headings, key words, graphics, captions, side bars, chapter titles, glossaries). 0501.6.4
Links verified on 9/8/2014
- Headings - [designed for grade 4] lesson and exercise
- Mapping the Road - [3:41] A mechanic helps Question Man (Joey Kola) read a road map.
- Parts of a Newspaper - [3 part lesson] Find what you're looking for in a newspaper. Read headlines to predict what articles will be about and where you will find them in the paper. Match pictures with the right captions.
Reading Strategies - scaffolding students' interaction with text
Reading Strategy Checklist - Let students check those statements that reflect the strategies they use.
- Reading the Fine Print - students read advertisements to practice reading critically
- Reading Charts and Graph - [3 part lesson] Read bar graphs, pie charts, and grid charts. Review percentages in pie charts. Compare types of information shown in different kinds of charts
- Road Trip Map - [5:16] NBA members demonstrate how to figure out time and distance on a map when planning a trip.
- Using a Glossary - [10 multiple-choice questions] a lab activity to recognize and use the definitions in a glossary as they relate to a text [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Using a Table of Contents - a sample table is given with four questions to answer
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