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2nd Grade - Abbreviations

Recognize common abbreviations. 0201.1.9

Links verified on 12/29/2014

  1. Abbreviation Game - (only works in Internet Explorer) beginning skills This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  2. Abbreviation Word Game - (only works in Internet Explorer) write the word for the abbreviation This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  3. A PowerPoint show related to this standardCommon Abbreviations in Measurement - [9 slides] abbreviations are given followed by three clues for your students to guess the word abbreviated
  4. Make an Abbreviation Book - Recognizing common abbreviations is an important component to second grade language arts. Here's a fun book-making project that will help your child learn to abbreviate and provide a great art lesson at the same time. A lesson plan can be found at this site
  5. Spelling City - Listen to spelling of common abbreviations. You can also enter your own abbreviations on this page to be used with your lessons.
  6. State Abbreviations - a worksheet This link includes something for the teacher to print



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