Alphabetize words to the second letter. 0201.1.8
Links verified on 12/28/2014
- ABC Order Practice - Put these words in alphabetical order.
- Alphabetical Order - arrange the words by dragging them into the correct ABC order.
- Alphabetical Order Worksheet - each line has sets of three words for students to alphabetize, page 2 has answers
- Find a Word - Drag and drop each word onto the correct dictionary page. Use the guide words to help you organize the words alphabetically.
- Looking Up a Word - Drag and drop each word, putting them in alphabetical order.
- Magnetic Nursery Rhymes - Put the poem back together again. Identify the words and drag them to recreate the nursery rhyme. Use this to practice spelling.
- Sort It! - This page selects a limited number of words from a spelling list and presents them in a random order for you to place back into alphabetical order
- Whack a Mole - Move the hammer around using the mouse to Whack the Moles. Be sure to hit them in alphabetical order.

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