Distinguish between clauses (adjective, adverb, noun) and phrases (adjective, adverb, appositive, prepositional, verb, verbal {including gerunds and participles). 0801.1.7
Links verified on 7/14/2014/h3>
- Appositives - jeopardy type game; Quia Quiz
- Appositives - another Jeopardy style quiz at Quia
- Appositives - defines appositives and explains how they are used
- Appositives - explanation about the use of appositives, an excellent tool to introduce sentence variety | the explanation is followed by a quiz of six questions for students to re-type
- Appositive quiz - seven question quiz, each question is on a separate page
- Appositive Practice - five multiple-choice questions, determine which prhase is the appositive phrase
- Appositive Practice Quiz - Quia quiz where students find the appositive or appositive phrase
- Appositive worksheet - combine sentences using appositives
- The Garden of Phrases - explanation of several types of phrases, including appositive phrases
- Recognizing the Function of Phrases - quiz related to the Garden of Phrases
- Infinitives - Lesson and quiz
- Infinitive or Gerund - quiz
- Jeopardy style game on appositives - interactive game.
- Parts of the Sentence - Appositives - print these exercise sheets for classroom usage
- Phrase Practice Exercise - print this exercise for student practice - answers available [This expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
- Power Proofreading - Choose 8th grade then select; Local News Report, Pains in the Neck, or any one of the mixed practice exercises.
- Present: Infinitive and 3rd person singular - quiz
- Quiz - quiz on appositives.
- Restrictive or Non-Restrictive Appositives - instruction about the difference followed by an eight question quiz
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