Spell correctly high-frequency, misspelled words (appropriate to grade level), and words commonly used in content specific vocabulary. 0801.1.5
Links verified on 7/14/2014
- Easily Confused Words - definitions of confusing words
- Look, Cover and Spell - This spelling site has 30 pre-built lists of words, but you can create your own list. Double-click any word on the list and type a word appropriate for your grade level. Your student gets to see the word, then it is covered and they must type the correct spelling.
- The Most Often
MispelledMisspelled Words in English - AlphaDictionary - a one-stop cure for spelling ills- Online Spelling Quizzes - numerous quizzes in TCAP format
- Spelling Bee - Listen to three stories, one at a time, and then spell words from each story
- Spelling: EI/IE rules, Exercise #1 - Choose the correctly spelled word from the drop down list to complete the sentences [This expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
- Spelling: EI/IE rules, Exercise #2 - Choose the correctly spelled word from the drop down list to complete the sentences [This expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
- Spelling Exercises for -ible and -able - Read the paragraph, locate the misspelled words and write the correct spellings in the space provided below the paragraph. [This expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
- Spelling Practice - Five lessons to select; long vowel spellings, perplexing words, spelling the "seed" sound, the final y, and the prefix ad-
- Spelling Quiz on commonly misspelled words in English - online quiz
- Spelling Wizard - create your on list to unscramble or find in a word search.
- US speller - Select your list of words, the do the spelling quiz. The lists includes 540 of the most commonly misspelled words in 27 lists
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