Continue to spell short and long vowel words using basic CVC, CVCE, and CVVC patterns. 0201.1.8
Links verified on 2/11/2016
- Beginning Consonant Digraphs - select the correct digraph
- Chicken Stacker - try to stack five hens by clicking on words with the featured vowel in them. Choose one of the following: short a | short e | short i | short o | short u
- Consonant Blends - find the blend that matches the picture
- Drag and Spell - Drag a vowel sound into the slot to spell the word correctly. Use the slow/fast slider to increase the challenge. Drag the vowels to finish the words before your time runs out.
- Ending Digraphs - select the correct digraph ending
- Long and Short Vowel Match - match words by the vowel sounds that are the same
- Long Vowels Sounds e, u - Identify the long vowel sounds in each word.
- Long Vowels Sounds a, i, o - Identify the long vowel sounds in each word.
- Long Vowels - Show what you know about the different long vowel sounds.
- Long Vowel Words - Find the short and long vowel words that match the pictures.
- Magic Pencil - see, and hear, an animation of the following vowel phonemes; ow, oy, ar, deep u, air, or, aw, ir, ear, and schwa.
- Match of Mystery - 5 levels, short, long, digraphs, dipthongs and vce pattern.
- Paw Park: Sassy Seals - Match beginning sounds - (from Game Goo - Learning That Sticks!) [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Poem Pack - Ten colorful, animated poems with voice over and activities. Each poem deals with a different long vowel sound.
Print and Do - Make your own Scrapbook of words and collect a different page each week! Slither your way round Jake the snake or try your luck at Domino sounds and Silly sentences.
- Sandcastle Quiz - Build a sandcastle and get to know the common spelling patterns for the following vowels; ow/ou, oy/oi, ar/a/al, oo/u, air/are/ear, or/ore/oar/war, aw/au/augh/al, ir/ur/er, ear/eer/ere, or all phonemes.
- Short Vowel Practice - select correct spelling of word
- Short or Long Vowel Words - Find the words that match the pictures.
- Short Vowel Words - Find the short vowel words that match the pictures.
- Snap It - How well do you know your long vowel sounds? Your chance to beat the clock and collect the snaps. When you see a pair click Snap! But don't get Snap happy - if you get it wrong, you lose a point
- Vowel Digraphs - Identify the vowel digraph in each word.
Vowel Practice - print worksheets to practice the following vowel phonemes; ow, oy, ar, deep u, air, or, aw, ir, ear, and schwa
- Word Families - select the word family to practice and select the correct beginning consonant to match the pictures
- Write a Postcard - Help Salty Sam with his vowels. In the first sentence, click on the focus phonemes. When you have got them all right, the next sentence appears but this time there are gaps in the words. Drag the vowel phoneme with the correct spelling into the gap in the word.

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