1st Grade Literature Standards
Links verified on 9/30/2010
0101.8.1 Read Books - Read picture books, alphabet and number books, rhyming books, story books, fairy tales, poetry, and nonfiction text. Real or Make Believe - Distinguish between fiction and nonfiction and fantasy and reality. Parts of a Book - Identify parts of a book (e.g., front cover and back cover, table of contents, index, glossary, title page, author, illustrator). Predict Events - Make predictions about text. 0101.8.5 Graphic Organizers - Participate in the creation of graphic organizers (KWL charts, diagrams). 0101.8.6 Derive Meaning - Derive meaning while reading by employing various strategies 0101.8.7 Story Elements - Identify the characters, plot, and setting of a story. 0101.8.8 Shared Reading - Participate in shared reading and small group guided reading. 0101.8.9 Read Simple Texts - Read simple text containing familiar letter-sound correspondence and high frequency words. 0101.8.10 Read Orally - Read orally with fluency and accuracy.

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