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7th Grade - Plot Devices


Identify flashback, foreshadowing, and symbolism within context. SPI 0701.8.7

Links verified on 6/7/2014

  1. Mr. Bailey's Literary Terms Quiz - ten multiple choice questions - keep track of your answers, the answer page gives answers but does not tell you if you were right or wrong [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.] This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  2. Dictionary of Symbolism - students look up objects of symbolism and see how it is used in literature.
  3. A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessonsWriting a Flashback and Flash-Forward Story Using Movies and Texts as Models - Students are introduced to examples of these devices through the film The Sandlot and/or illustrated books. Students are then asked to create a story that contains both flashback and flash-forward. A lesson plan can be found at this site

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