Identify patterns of rhyme and rhythm. SPI 0601.8.9
Links verified on 10/30/2016
- Analyzing Poetry Tips - The elements of analyzing poetry listed at this site will help you identify the meaning through its parts and give a sense of interpreting a poem.
- Elements of Poetry - comprehensive explanation of many elements; including rhyme and rhythm
- Form, Rhyme and Rhythm - a BBC English Literature page
- Have You Mastered All 7 of These Basic Rhyme Schemes? - from the lyric writer's workroom
- Music Activities and Arts Integration Lessons - index of activities listing language arts related activities
- Poetic Techniques - rhyme schemes and patterns in poetry
- Poetry: Rhyme, Repetition, and Rhythm - [12 page document] worksheets, quizzes and answers
- Rhyme - A rhyme is a tool utilizing repeating patterns that brings rhythm or musicality in poems which differentiate them from prose which is plain.
- Rhyme Scheme - the structure the end words of a verse or line that a poet needs to create
- Rhyme Schemes - A Poetry Lesson Plan - This lesson plan uses several poems from to show how to identify the rhyme scheme of a poem. Students will analyze the poems to determine the rhyme schemes of each.
- Rhyme Schemes - a pattern that describes where the rhyming words fall within a given stanza or verse
- Rhyming in Poetry - Rhyming, much like writing in general, is not difficult; creating poetry that rhymes well is the tricky part. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Rhythm - English poetry makes use of five important rhythms. These rhythms are of different patterns of stressed (/) and unstressed (x) syllables. Each unit of these types is called foot. Here are the five types of rhythm.
- Rhythm and Meter in English Poetry - English poetry employs five basic rhythms of varying stressed (/) and unstressed (x) syllables.
- Rhythm and Rhyme - definition and examples
- Rhythm and Rhyme - definition and examples [different source]
- Rhythm in Poetry - Lesson and quiz
- Rhythm in Poetry – The Basics - Sometimes the rhythm is a simple one, and sometimes it’s more complex, but it’s not there by accident. Poets arrange their words in such a way as to create those rhythmical patterns.
- Rhythm Trainer - Flash-based program for learning and practicing rhythm
- Slant Rhyme in Poetry: Definition, Examples & Quiz - we'll explore slant rhymes, which are sometimes called half rhymes or near rhymes.
- Sounds of Poetry - worksheet on the pattern of stressed and unstressed sounds in a line of poetry [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Sound and Rhyme - A brief exploration of the various aspects of sound that can be utilized when making a poem. The crafting of the aural aspects of a poem is what we may call "ear training." Thus, the crafting of the visual aspects is what we'd call "eye training."
- Sound and Rhyme - from Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
- Sound Devices Used In Poetry - a list of definitions
- Sound: Rhythm & Rhyme - Sound brings attention to both individual words that are drawn together through their sound as well as to the overall "feeling" or experience.
- Types of Rhyme - The poet who wishes to write a rhyming poem has several different sorts of rhyme from which to choose.
- What is a Rhyme Scheme? - definition & examples; lesson with video included [5:29]
- What is the rhythmic pattern in poetry? - Explains the types of patterns
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