8th Grade English Language Arts - Logic Standards
Links verified on 5/3/2010
To work on eighth grade logic standards, click on the numbers below to visit pages of internet resources for each of the learning standards.
Checks for Understanding are at the top of this page. Scroll down to find internet resources related to the State Performance Indicators (SPIs).
Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)
0801.5.1 Predict Events - Make logical predictions of future events in text. 0801.5.2 Sequence - Identify sequence of events in text. 0801.5.3 Analogies - Construct and complete analogies using synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, categories/subcategories, whole/part, functions, verb forms, rhymes, scrambled words, homophones. 0801.5.4 Cause-Effect - Identify and analyze stated or implied cause-effect relationships in text. 0801.5.5 Fact or Opinion - Determine simple criteria for recognizing factual claim and opinion (e.g., scientific method, provability, quality of evidence, sources). 0801.5.6 Support an Argument - Determine the relevance and quality of evidence given to support or oppose an argument. 0801.5.7 Compare and Contrast - Compare and contrast evidence and conclusions between two or more arguments on the same topic. 0801.5.8 Reasoning - Identify and analyze examples of deductive and inductive reasoning in text. 0801.5.9 Argument - Identify and describe the structure of an argument, including its main claim and supporting premises. 0801.5.10 False Premise - Identify a variety of false premises, including those involving categorical claims (e.g., all mammals are human beings). 0801.5.11 Persuasive Devices - Identify and analyze the persuasive devices used in written and oral communication (e.g., bandwagon, loaded words, testimonial, name-calling, plain folks, snob appeal). 0801.5.12 Logical Fallacies - Continue to explore logical fallacies (e.g., appeal to fear, personal attack, false dilemma, false analogy) in a variety of texts. 0801.5.13 Bias - Analyze examples of concepts of stereotyping and bias in text. State Performance Indicators
SPI 0801.5.1 Predict Event - Recognize a reasonable prediction of future events of a given text. SPI 0801.5.2 Fact or Opinion - Evaluate text for fact or opinion. SPI 0801.5.3 Cause and Effect - Analyze cause-effect relationships in text. SPI 0801.5.4 Examples of Persuasive Devices - Identify examples of persuasive devices (i.e., bandwagon, loaded words, testimonial, name-calling, plain folks, snob appeal). SPI 0801.5.5 Analogy - Choose a logical word to complete an analogy, using synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, categories/subcategories, whole/part, functions, verb forms, rhymes, scrambled words, homophones. SPI 0801.5.6 Example of Reasoning - Identify an example of deductive or inductive reasoning in text. SPI 0801.5.7 False Premise - Identify a false premise in text. SPI 0801.5.8 Identify Bias - Identify instances of bias and stereotyping in print and non-print texts. SPI 0801.5.9 Inference - Make inferences and draw conclusions based on evidence in text. Review Help Resources to help review Eighth Grade English Language Arts standards

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