4th Grade English Language Arts - Logic Standards
All links in the pages below were verified in October, 2011
To work on fourth grade logic standards, click on the numbers below to visit pages of internet resources for each of the learning standards.
Checks for Understanding are at the top of this page. Scroll down to find internet resources related to the State Performance Indicators (SPIs).
Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)
0401.5.1 Fact/Opinion Cause/Effect - Distinguish fact from opinion and cause from effect. 0401.5.2 Inferences - Make inferences and draw conclusions while reading, viewing, or listening to print and non-print media. 0401.5.3 Make Predictions - Make and adjust predictions while reading, viewing, or listening to print and non-print media. 0401.5.4 Problem and Solution - Determine the problem in a story, discover its solution, and consider logical alternate solutions. 0401.5.5 Analogies - Complete word analogies employing synonyms and antonyms. State Performance Indicators
SPI 0401.5.1 Locate Information - Locate information to support opinions, predictions, and conclusions. SPI 0401.5.2 Cause-Effect - Recognize cause-effect relationships within context. SPI 0401.5.3 Fact/Opinion - Distinguish between fact/opinion and reality/fantasy. SPI 0401.5.4 Complete an Analogy - Choose a logical word to complete an analogy using synonyms and antonyms. SPI 0401.5.5 Make Inferences - Make inferences and draw appropriate conclusions from text. SPI 0401.5.6 Sequence Events - Indicate the sequence of events in text. Review Help Resources to help review Fourth Grade English Language Arts standards

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