Represent multiplication using various representations such as equal-size groups, arrays, area models, and equal jumps on number lines 0306.2.7
Links verified on 12/23/2014
- Ambleweb Division Machine - three levels are available [division with no remainder, use to practice multiplication facts]
- Ambleweb Times Table Tester - practice multiplication facts on one of three levels; Easier, Harder, or Megahard .
- Animal Legs - use repeated addition as a strategy to solve multiplication story problems
- Are You a Math Magician? - Two levels of practice with several operations are available; addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Mixed practice is also available; addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, or a mix of all four. Select the level appropriate for this spi. Multiplication game also available
- Cameron's Trip - multiply and divide to solve real-world problems
- Check It Out - uses manipulatives to divide by 6
- Explore the Multiplication Table with Math Cats - an interactive hundreds chart
- Fact Families - learn about multiplication and division fact families
- Ghost Blasters - Click on ghosts that are multiples of ten . Click as many times as you can, you can get multiple points on each ghost.
- Golden Path -There is only one reliable path that leads to the other side of the pond � the golden path. Use your math skills to find the correct path of lily pads. From each lily pad, hop to the next pad in the path with the math problem that yields the largest answer.
- Groups Of Dogs - use arrays to understand the meaning of multiplication
- Hotel 6 - use a pattern to solve multiplication problems
- Math Facts from Harcourt School - ( K-3 ) Content available at the site: Addition and Subtraction sums and differences to 10, 12, and 20; Multiplication and Division facts to 5, to 10, to 12. Verbal instructions are included and students can select timed or un-timed. (30 facts)
- Nine Pattern - Students explore patterns while multiplying and dividing by 9. [add nines for advanced students]
- Multiples of 2, 3, 4, & 5 - a number displayed will be a multiple of one of the answers shown
- Multiplication - customize for any number range - from FreeMathTest
- Worksheets to print are also available supporting instruction of this topic
- Multiplication Mystery - drag the product to the correct place on a 9 x 9 grid [somewhat advanced]
- Place Calculations on a Number Line (Multiplication) - Derive and recall multiplication facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times-tables. Twenty levels are available; ten are un-timed and ten are against the clock. This works great on an interactive whiteboard.
- Rabbits - recall multiplication facts using a hundreds chart
- Spinning Wheels - learn multiplication facts
- Sum Sense (Multiplication) - Students practice single digit multiplication by dragging numbers to complete the sentence.
- Tables of Multiplication - helps children to practice tables of multiplication in an effective and fun way
- The Timernator - race against the clock - multiply as fast as you can in 60 seconds [ addition, subtraction, and division also available ]
- Times Mountain - Pick your number and practice your facts.
- The Art of Math - Create your own math tests. Learn math through repetition. Each math test is randomly generated based on the values you provide (you set grade level and difficulty). This allows each math test to be unique, providing students with an endless number of challenges. (help with adding , subtracting , or multiplying ) K - 3
- Tug of War Multiplication - a multiplayer tug of war game for multiplication
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