Represent data using ordered pairs in the first quadrant of the coordinate system. 0506.5.2
Links verified on 9/16/2014
- Billy Bug - Guide Billy to the coordinates hiding the food. coordinates 0-10 | coordinates 0-5
- Graphing in Quadrant 1 in the Coordinate Plane - lesson plan from Teacher's Domain at WNET
- Graphing Skills - What's the point? find the point on the grid (choose Easy for Quadrant 1 problems)
- Grid Graph - identify and plot points on a grid
- Introduction to the Coordinate Plane and Coordinates - dialog between a mentor and student, to be used to introduce the plane
- Line Segment: Coordinate Geometry - Adjust the line segment below by dragging an orange dot at point A or B and see how the segment AB behaves. You can also drag the origin point at (0,0).
- Lines in Coordinate Geometry - introduction to defining the line
- Lost My Marbles Handout - rich field text document about using a coordinate grid - [this document can be opened with MS Word]
- Make a Coordinate Plane - You can make one quadrant, or all four, and then use the plane with an interactive whiteboard or other projection device.
- Reading Grids - find Hurkle in an intersection of a grid [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Simple Coordinates Game - Students investigate the first quadrant of the Cartesian coordinate system through identifying the coordinates of points, or requesting that a particular point be plotted.
- Simple Maze Game - Students investigate the first quadrant of the Cartesian coordinate system by directing a robot through a mine field laid out on the plane.
Worksheet Generator - Print your own blank coordinate plane worksheets, you determine the number of grids on a sheet and whether the grids are numbered or not.
- Advanced [all 4 Quadrants are used]
- An Introduction to the Coordinate Plane - an exercise set with 62 problems [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Coordinate Plane - a four part lesson which includes introduction, in-depth explanation, examples, and practice exercises to check student understanding
- Coordinate Plane - for student practice, make your own coordinate plane worksheets at the On-line Math Worksheet Generator
- Coordinate plane - 4 Quadrants - This one-sheet workbook had a coordinate plane with nine colored dots. Use an interactive whiteboard and have your students drag the dots to represent an ordered pair that you specify.
- Coordinate Plane Game - timed game using Flash animation, determine the ordered pair for the given point on the plane
- General Coordinates Game - Students investigate the Cartesian coordinate system through identifying the coordinates of points, or requesting that a particular point be plotted.
- Graphing Skills - What's the point? find the point on the grid (choose Medium or Hard for all four Quadrants)
- Horizontal Line (Coordinate Geometry) - Drag the points A or B and note the line is horizontal when they both have the same y-coordinate.
- Locate the Aliens - your job is to enter the coordinates of the aliens when they appear on the plane
- Math Open Reference: Coordinate Plane - Drag the point A. As you drag note the two numbers that define its position on the plane. Drag the origin to reposition the axes.
- Maze Game - This activity allows the user to practice their point plotting skills by having them move a robot through a mine field to a target location. Moves are accomplished by specifying the coordinates of the new location. In order to win, the path must not cross a mine.
- Maze Game - Students use their knowledge of points on a graph to move a robot to the target, while avoiding mines.
- Quiz - enter the ordered pairs for each of the four points on the coordinate plane [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Spy Guys Interactive - Using Ordered Pairs - [designed for grade 6] interactive video lesson
- Stock the Shelves - You are the clerk. Stock the shelves using the coordinate plane.
- Vertical Line (Coordinate Geometry) - Drag the points A or B and note the line is vertical when they both have the same x-coordinate.
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