1st Grade Science Standards - Physical Science
Links verified 1/3/2015
Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)
0107.9.1 Classify Solids - Classify solids according to their size, shape, color, texture, hardness, ability to change shape, magnetic attraction, whether they sink or float, and use 0107.9.2 Compare Liquids - Compare liquids according to their color, ability to flow, solubility in water, and use 0107.9.3 Mix Substances - Investigate and describe the results of mixing different substances such as salt and pepper, water and sand, water and oil, and water and salt 0107.10.1 Effect of Sun - Predict and determine what happens over the course of a school day when containers of sand, soil, and water with thermometers are placed in a sunny window 0107.10.2 Effect of Shade - Predict and determine what happens over the course of a school day when containers of sand, soil and water with thermometers are placed in a shady location 0107.10.3 Compare Temperatures - Compare the temperature at different places around the school such as black top driveway, lawn, concrete areas, side of the building, under a shade tree, wet area, in the ground 0107.11.1 Changing Movement - Use familiar objects to explore how the movement can be changed 0107.11.2 Friction - Investigate and explain how different surfaces affect the movement of an object 0107.12.1 Magnetic - Identify and classify objects in the classroom as magnetic or non-magnetic 0107.12.2 Effect of Magnets - Make predictions about how various objects will be affected by a magnet

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