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Kindergarten Physical Science Topics

Kindergarten Science Standards - Physical Science

Links verified 12/30/2015

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0007.9.1 Properties - Observe, identify, and compare the properties of various objects such as color, shape, and size
0007.9.2 Solids and Liquids - Observe, discuss, and compare characteristics of various solids and liquids
0007.10.1 Thermometer - Place a thermometer in a sunny window and one in a shady area of the classroom and record the temperatures over time; compare, discuss, and record any temperature differences
0007.10.2 Temperature - Investigate the temperature differences in various locations around the school; discuss and record the results
0007.10.3 Thermometer Experiment - Place a thermometer under pieces of different colored paper on a sunny window; compare results and discuss possible causes
0007.11.1 Movement - Use a variety of objects to demonstrate different types of movement (e.g., straight line/zigzag, backwards/forward, side to side, in circles, fast/slow)



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