Interpret the causes and effects of a physical change in matter SPI 0407.9.3
Links verified 10/25/2010
Changing States: Does it Matter? - a lab worksheet to use in your classroom
- Chemical vs Physical Change - an online version of a slide show
- Chemical vs. Physical Properties and Changes - from a Physical Science course at
- Classification of Matter - Answer a series of questions to determine if a substance is a mixture or compound.
- The difference between chemical and physical changes (from Chem4Kids)
Is it Physical or Chemical Change - PowerPoint slide show quiz using action buttons
- Key Concepts: Chemical vs Physical Changes; Elements vs. Compounds - sample questions and two good concept maps
- Mixtures and Compounds - a short movie featuring iron and sulphur illustrating the difference between a mixture and a compound
- Multiple Choice Test on Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes - ten multiple-choice questions
Physical and Chemical Change - forty-three slides includes some really great pictures
- Physical vs. Chemical Change - click on a type of change to observe the molecular details of the process
- Physical or Chemical Change? - Determine if each is a physical or chemical change. (a Quia quiz)
- Physical or Chemical Change? - test your knowledge with ten multiple-choice questions
- Physical and Chemical changes quiz - five multiple-choice questions
- Physical vs Chemical Change - an interactive lesson (click Next to begin)
- Physical vs Chemical Change - flashcards from Quia
- What is the difference between chemical and physical change? - from General Chemistry Online
- What is the difference between chemical and physical change? - another explanation of the same issue
- Worksheet on Physical vs Chemical Change
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