Recognize the place value of numbers (tens, ones).0106.2.6
Links verified on 1/2/2015
- Beginning Place Value - group the ones into tens to see what numbers come up.
- Finding Place Values - state the number in the place value of ones or tens - read the green section to review, scroll to the blue section for a practice game
- Illustrate Place Values - create numbers using the ones and tens place
- Naming Place Values - ones and tens - read the green section to review, scroll to the blue section for a practice game
- Place Value Party - Choose any ages to start, then trade candles until both cakes have the same number.
- Shark Numbers - match numeral with tens and ones graphic
- Tens and Ones - type the number seen in the number graph
- Trading Game - explore regrouping using place value blocks [designed for 3rd grade]
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