Use a graphing calculator or spreadsheet to create scatterplots of data and approximate lines of best fit.0806.1.7
Links verified on 7/23/2014
- Conventions used in spreadsheets or calculators
- Coolmath's Graphing Calculator - scroll down for instructions on using the graphing calculator
- Excel Order of Operations - understanding how Excel worksheets handle order of operations [BEDMAS]
- Math Open Reference Scientific Calculator - scientific calculator similar to those from TI, Casio, HP - extensive explanation of conventions used
- Mathematical Operators in Excel Spreadsheets - screen shots and a listing of symbols used in Excel spreadsheets to indicate math operators
- Spreadsheet Math Fundamentals - protocols to be used when writing math formulas and functions in spreadsheets
- Graphs and charts - four different graphs and charts for you to consider
Introduction to Graphing Calculators: Using Graphing Calculators to Describe Linear Motion in terms of Distance and Time - a 14 slide PowerPoint show
- Scatter Plot
- Creating a Scatter Plot in Excel - a long tutorial (27 pages if printed) on making your own scatter plot
- Creating an XY (Scatter) Plot in Excel - a seven page tutorial on how to use Excel to make a scatter plot
- Displaying Data - [designed for 7th grade - use for remediation ] explanation, examples and several interactive practice activities
- Displaying Data - [designed for 8th grade] explanation, examples and several interactive practice activities
- How to Use Your TI-83 or 84 Calculator to Make a Scatter Plot - provided by MathBits
- Interactive Scatterplot - students enter data and make their own scatterplot with this National Library of Virtual Manipulatives page
- Line Graphs and Scatter Plots - several good examples
- Linear Regression - an applet which allows your students to investigate a regression line, also known as a "line of best fit."
- Pizza Palace - Students will construct box plots independently. Students identify the mean, median, mode, and range of a set of data
- The Regression Line and Correlation - a lesson plan from Illuminations
- Scatterplots - explanation and several good examples from Canada's National Statistical Agency
- Scatter Plot - includes examples of positive association, negative association, and no trend
- Scatter Plot - links to ten different examples are included with this Engineering Statistics Handbook entry
- Scatter Plot - the Wikipedia entry
- Scatter Plots - from the Business Knowledge Center
- Scatter Plots - includes examples of perfect correlation, high correlation, and low correlation [This expired page is brought to you by the Internet archive, the Wayback Machine.]
- Scatter Plots - from Oswego City School District Regents Exam Prep Center [This expired page is brought to you by the Internet archive, the Wayback Machine.]
- Scatterplot with Overlaid Linear Prediction Plot - includes links to other plots on the right
Step-by-step Internet4Classrooms module - how to produce a scatter plot using Excel
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