Read, interpret, and analyze data shown in tables, bar graphs and picture graphs. 0206.5.1 Links verified on 12/31/2014
- All The Parts - learn the parts of a graph.
- Grapher - interactive column graph maker, students can change values and labels
- How It All Stacks Up - Students interpret and compare information using a bar graph.
- I Am Special - Picture graphs are used in real world situations as students organize information, record data, and use mathematical language to read and interpret the graphs.
- Interpreting a Data Chart - students practice by answering questions about what can be found in a grid chart
- Interpreting Column Graphs - students practice by answering ten questions about the graph
- Kids Have Pets - learn about the parts of a bar graph and how to collect information
- Kinds Of Graphs - learn about various types of graphs
- Make your own Pictogram - Use this interactive page to create your own pictograms
- Play Ball - collect data to put on a picture graph
- Reading Tables and Schedules - study the table or schedule, and then answer the question
- Reading Venn Diagrams - use Venn diagrams to answer questions
- Too Much Information - determine if irrelevant information is included when solving a problem )
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