Read & Write Time to the Nearest Minute 0306.1.1
Links verified on 12/23/2014
- A Matter of Time - interactive quizzes on half hour, 15 minute intervals and five minute intervals - (story problems)
- Analog Clock - [whole class activity] You call out a time and ask a student to set the clock.
- Bang On Time - Read the time in words then stop the clock when the hands reach the right time.
- Beat the Clock - interactive time game
- Bedtime Bandits - (students try to stay up as late as possible by blasting killer clocks that drop from the ceiling) After each stage, identifying the correct clock gets harder and harder.
- ClockWise and Matching Time - activity to practice telling time
- Clock Works - [1 minute increments at the advanced level] select hour and then minute by clicking on the clock
- Draw Hands - free worksheets from Math Slice, time intervals from 1 hour to one minute
- Matching Time - activity to practice telling time
- Right Time - explore the meaning of AM and PM while they tell time to the hour and half hour.
- Stop the Clock - match digital time to analog clocks, or written time, by dragging the digital clocks, or written time | to the nearest hour | to the nearest half hour | to the nearest fifteen minutes
- Tell Time - free worksheets from Math Slice, time intervals from 1 hour to one minutes
- Telling Time - Drag the five digital times to the correct analog clock, then press Stop the Clock to record your time. ( 30 minute increments ) ( 15 minute increments ) ( 5 minute increments )
- Telling Time - Draw a line between matching items in each column.
- Telling Time Practice - Drag the hands of the clock to show the correct time.
- Telling Time Worksheets - topics from various grades are covered [ there is a link to .pdf worksheets, but fewer activities per sheet are presented in those worksheets ]
- Time Theme Unit - worksheets to print, various grades
- Time Words - Read the time in words and then stop the clock when the hands are in the matching position.
- Time To Go - tell time to the half hour [hour and half hour only]
- Travel Time - Which train falls in between the time limit?
- Worksheet Generator - You decide on the variables; students tell the time or draw the hands on the clock face, time increments from half-hour to one minute, and answer sheet.
site for teachers | PowerPoint show | Acrobat document | Word document | whiteboard resource | sound | video format | interactive lesson | a quiz | lesson plan | to print |
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