Represent and analyze patterns using words, function tables, and graphs. SPI 0406.3.3
Links verified on 11/10/2011
- Ambleweb Function Machine - students identify what process was used to produce a sequence of numbers (twelve processes available)
- Classroom Activities Using Number Patterns: Pascal's Triangle - lesson plan designed for grades 4 and up, include a follow up lesson
- Common Number Patterns - Math is Fun gives a list of the most common patterns and how they are made along with examples, seven questions to check for understanding are linked at the bottom of the page.
- Crack the Code - find the missing number in a series
- The Fibonacci Sequence - [advanced level] This is an example of a recursive sequence, obeying the simple rule that to calculate the next term one simply sums the preceding two.
- Function Machine - investigate very simple functions by trying to guess the algebraic form from inputs and outputs.
- Letter Patterns - In this unit we look at the number patterns we get from letters and numbers. Students look for the pattern to see how the number of tiles changes from letter to letter.
- Linear function - move your cursor to the green block to select step 1
- Linear function and Graph - move your cursor over the green block to see lesson 1 or lesson 2
- Linear Function Machine - investigate linear functions by trying to guess the slope and intercept from inputs and outputs.
- Missing Numbers - find the missing numbers in a sequence
- Number Pattern Teaching Ideas - lesson plans, some may be too advanced but could be adapted, they are designed for grade 5 and up.
- Pattern Makers - In this unit, students are introduced to the notion of a repeating pattern
- Pede Patterns - This unit is about generating number patterns for certain ‘insects’ from the mythical planet of Elsinore. Each ‘Pede’ is made up of square parts and has a number of feet. The patterns all link the number of feet and the number of squares. The students are encouraged to explore the patterns for themselves and try to make the connections between feet and squares.
- Positive Linear Function Machine - investigate linear functions with positive slopes by trying to guess the slope and intercept from inputs and outputs.
- Relationships and Functions - Function Machine Game. Find the function. Click on the correct equation.
- Sequences: Finding a Rule - explanation and examples from Math is Fun, six questions to answer can be found at the bottom of the page
- Spooky Sequences - One of the ghosts is missing a number. Click on the numbers along the bottom to enter the right number in the sequence. (square numbers)
- Spooky Sequences - One of the ghosts is missing a number. Click on the numbers along the bottom to enter the right number in the sequence. (triangular numbers)
- Spooky Sequences - One of the ghosts is missing a number. Click on the numbers along the bottom to enter the right number in the sequence. one digit numbers (by ones) | two digit numbers (by ones) | three digit numbers (by ones) | counting by twos | counting by fives | counting by tens | backward by ones | backward by twos | backward by fives | backward by tens
- Supermarket Displays - In this unit the students look at the number patterns created when tins are stacked in different arrangements. The aim of the unit is for students to keep track of the numbers involved by drawing up a table of values. They are then encouraged to look for patterns in the numbers.
- Ten in the Bed - The unit uses the poem “Ten in the Bed” as a focus for the students to begin to explore patterns in number.
- The Three Pigs - In this unit students design and construct homes for the three pigs. Each of the homes is made and filled with patterns that students explore.
- What is a Sequence? - explanation and a large number of examples from Math is Fun, ten questions to answer can be found at the bottom of the page
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