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5th Grade - Research Standards

5th Grade English Language Arts - Research Standards

Links in the Pages Below Were Verified in September of 2014

To work on fifth grade research standards, click on the numbers below to visit pages of internet resources for each of the learning standards.

Checks for Understanding are at the top of this page. Scroll down to find internet resources related to the State Performance Indicators (SPIs).

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0501.4.1 Research Topic - Define and narrow a topic for research.
0501.4.2 Reference Sources - Discern and use appropriate reference sources in various format (e.g., interviews with family and community; encyclopedia, card/electronic catalogs, almanacs, magazines, newspapers).
0501.4.3 Research Tools - Use current technology as a research and communication tool for personal interest, research, and clarification.
0501.4.4 Gather Information - Gather and record information on a research topic using three different sources, at least one of which must be a print source.
0501.4.5 Evaluate Reliability - Evaluate and determine the reliability of sources on a given topic.
0501.4.6 Organize Information - Organize information from text or technological sources using a graphic organizer.
0501.4.7 Note Taking - Develop a note taking system that includes important concepts, paraphrases, summaries, and identification of reference sources.
0501.4.8 Write Report - Write a research report, using three or more sources
0501.4.9 Necessary Information - Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary bibliographical information in a citation.
0501.4.10 Cite Sources - Cite three or more sources, including the title, author, and page number(s).

State Performance Indicators

SPI 0501.4.1 Evaluate Sources - Identify the most reliable information sources available for preparing a research report.
SPI 0501.4.2 Citation - Identify information that should or should not be included in a citation.
SPI 0501.4.3 Graphic Organizer - Complete a graphic organizer (e.g., chart, web) organizing material collected from text or technological sources.
SPI 0501.4.4 Appropriate Source - Select appropriate sources from which to gather information on a given topic.
Review Help Resources to help review Fifth Grade English Language Arts standards



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