Complete a graphic organizer (i.e., clustering, listing, mapping, and webbing) to group ideas for writing.
WP |
- Education World Templates - seventeen graphic organizers to download and print or edit
- WriteDesign - many graphic organizers
Express thoughts and feelings using colorful, fully elaborated descriptions using vivid and active words.
Rearrange sentences to form a sequential, coherent paragraph.
WO |
- Put sentences in correct sequence for a paragraph - online quiz
Identify the purpose for writing (i.e., to entertain, to inform, and to report).
Audience and Purpose - links to numerous lessons and activities.
- Author's Purpose - matching game
Identify the audience for which a piece of text is written.
WP |
Select details that support a topic sentence.
WO |
- Supporting Details - lesson and practice
- Supporting sentences - lesson
- Graphic Organizer Template - print this for class use in practicing supporting details
Choose vivid and active words when writing.
WP |
Develop and write a paragraph topic sentence with supporting details.
WA |
- Take Notes - students evaluate what items should be included in the opening paragraph of a news story
Rearrange paragraphs in a narrative writing selection in sequential or chronological order.
WO |
Select appropriate time order or transitional words/phrases to enhance the flow of a writing sample.
WO |
- Build A Story - Select the appropriate phrases to create a story.
Identify the most reliable sources of information for preparing a report or project.
- The ABC's of Web Site Evaluation (presented by Kathy Schrock) - Evaluation of Web sites is an important skill to learn in this age of digital and information literacy. Students and teachers need practice in critically examining sites to determine authority, authenticity, and applicability to purpose. This site provides that practice.
- Critical Evaluation of Resources - In the research process you will encounter many types of resources including books, articles and web sites. But not everything you find on your topic will be suitable. How do you make sense of what is out there and evaluate its authority and appropriateness for your research?
- Critically Analyzing Information Sources - the emphasis here is on print sources
- Evaluating Information Found on the Internet - a thoughtful guide to evaluating web and other Internet resources
- Evaluation of information sources - This page contains pointers to criteria for evaluating information resources, particularly those on the Internet.
- Evaluating Web Pages - Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask
- The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - Why It's a Good Idea to Evaluate Web Sources
- Quality Information Check List -a resource to help young people evaluate the information they find on the Internet.
- Teaching Zack to think (from Alan November) - it is essential that students learn how to validate information.
Select the best way to combine sentences to provide syntactic variety within context.
WP |
Select the best title for a written selection.
WO |
Choose the supporting sentence that best fits the context and flow of ideas in a paragraph.
WP |
Supply a missing piece of information in an outline.
WO |
Select, limit, and refine a writing topic.
WA |
Revise to clarify thought, to refine ideas, and to distinguish between important and unimportant information.
WA |
Edit writing for the elements of language.
WA |
- Power Proofreading - Choose Grade 5 and put your cursor over any of the listed titles to see what skill they are designed to practice. There are over two dozen different passages to choose from.
- Proofreading Makes Perfect - correct these sentences by entering correct grammar
Explain and/or illustrate key ideas when writing.
WA |
Demonstrate syntactic variety when writing.
WA |
Arrange multi-paragraphed work of exposition (e.g., persuasion, compare/contrast) in a logical and coherent order.
WO |
- Compare/Contrast - tutorial and quiz
- Compare and Contrast - Students select two works of art from a list of 26, and then write their own short essay comparing the works of art.
- Stated Information - story about elephants followed by a quiz
- Stated Information - story about dolphins followed by a quiz
Identify the sentence irrelevant to a paragraph’s theme or flow.
WP |
Select an appropriate concluding sentence for a well-developed paragraph.
WO |
Use appropriate transitional words and devices when writing.
WA |
Sentence Variety - list of words to use for transition
Incorporate figurative language, vivid description, active voice verbs, sensory details, and personal observations to display facility in the use of language.
WA |
- Idioms - an interactive activity requiring students to type and then print their work
- Idiom - choose a theme and a game option
- Metaphors - worksheet
- Simile - quiz
Review Help
General Resources |
Online Literature-Based Resources for Fourth and Fifth Grade Teachers - Make A Difference With Technology
Practice Tests |
- Assessment Test - Churchill House School of English Language; choose your level!
Released Tests |
- 5th Grade Reading Test 2003 - released by Texas
- 5th Grade Reading Sample Test
- FCAT Sample Reading Test - [ 2008 ] sample questions and test taking tips
- FCAT Sample Answer Book - [ 2008 ]
- Texas end-of-year reading test from 2004