Design and analyze simple tilings and tessellations. (0406.4.19)
Links verified on 11/17/2011
- Claris Works & Tessellations in Color - how to use a Macintosh program to make your own tessellations
- Creating Tessellations Using Microsoft Paint
- HyperStudio & Tessellations in Color - if you still have this program you can use it to make tessellations
- Sample Tessellations - art by modern day artists inspired by the work of Escher
- Tessellate! - an interactive device for making a tessellation
- Tessellation - from Wikipedia
- Tessellation Artist - this Math is Fun site allows you to make your own tessellations
- Tessellation: The Mathematics of Tiling - extensive explanation accompanied by illustrations
- Tessellation Town on Tile Island - tessellation site from math Cats
Tessellation Tutorials - Tutorials and templates for making your own tessellations- Tessellations - large number of images showing tessellations
- Tessellations - information about all aspects of tessellations, from their history and development to complete galleries of examples by David, Seth and the Master, M.C. Escher, the pioneer of the art
- Tessellations - Step by step with "Paintbrush" or "Paint". [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Tessellations Theme Page - links to information about Tessellations
- Tilings and Tessellations - introduction from the Geometry center of Science U
- Totally Tessellated: Mosaics/Tilings - ThinkQuest project by students for students
- What are Tessellations - how to make them from Cool Math 4 Kids
- What Is a Tessellation? - from Math Forum
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