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4th Grade Tilings and Tessellations


Design and analyze simple tilings and tessellations. (0406.4.19)

Links verified on 11/17/2011

  1. Claris Works & Tessellations in Color - how to use a Macintosh program to make your own tessellations
    1. Tips for using the the paint program in Claris Works
  2. Creating Tessellations Using Microsoft Paint
  3. HyperStudio & Tessellations in Color - if you still have this program you can use it to make tessellations
  4. Sample Tessellations - art by modern day artists inspired by the work of Escher
  5. Tessellate! - an interactive device for making a tessellation
  6. Tessellation - from Wikipedia
  7. Tessellation Artist - this Math is Fun site allows you to make your own tessellations
  8. Tessellation: The Mathematics of Tiling - extensive explanation accompanied by illustrations
  9. Tessellation Town on Tile Island - tessellation site from math Cats
  10. Tessellation Tutorials - Tutorials and templates for making your own tessellations
  11. Tessellations - large number of images showing tessellations
  12. Tessellations - information about all aspects of tessellations, from their history and development to complete galleries of examples by David, Seth and the Master, M.C. Escher, the pioneer of the art
  13. Tessellations - Step by step with "Paintbrush" or "Paint". [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  14. Tessellations Theme Page - links to information about Tessellations
  15. Tilings and Tessellations - introduction from the Geometry center of Science U
  16. Totally Tessellated: Mosaics/Tilings - ThinkQuest project by students for students
  17. What are Tessellations - how to make them from Cool Math 4 Kids
  18. What Is a Tessellation? - from Math Forum

A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessons site for teachers | A PowerPoint show related to this standard PowerPoint show | An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format Acrobat document | A Microsoft Word document to be downloaded Word document | This interactive site would work well on an interactive whiteboard whiteboard resource | This resource includes voice instructions for students sound | A video is available through this link video format | This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data interactive lesson | This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding a quiz | A lesson plan can be found at this site lesson plan | This link includes something for the teacher to print to print

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