Represent whole numbers up to 10,000 using various models (such as base-ten blocks, number lines, place-value charts) and in standard form, written form, and expanded form 0306.2.1
Links verified on 12/23/2014
- Decimal Order - Put the sequence of decimal numbers into ascending order
- Finding Multiples - [Carroll diagrams] Drag multiples into one box and non multiples into another. You can find and organize the multiples of one number or multiples of two numbers. This works great on an interactive whiteboard.
- Numbers in Expanded Form - [ three-digit numners ] numbers are shown in expanded form, select which answer is the correct number
- Place Calculations on a Number Line (Multiplication) - Derive and recall multiplication facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times-tables. Twenty levels are available; ten are untimed and ten are against the clock. This works great on an interactive whiteboard.
- Place Numbers on a Number Line - Twenty levels are available; ten are untimed and ten are against the clock. This works great on an interactive whiteboard.
- Place Value Pirates - find the corresponding pirate who is standing on the platform that contains a specified number
- Really Big Numbers - Enter a number then click the Click here button to see how to write it. Use numbers appropriate to this skill
- There Must Be Thousands - read, write and identify numerals to the hundred thousands
- What's Your Name? - know the value of numbers when written in standard form or expanded notation
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