Create legible documents for reading by forming legible lower case letters utilizing correct spacing and by writing from left to right and top to bottom. 0201.3.9
Links verified on 1/1/2018
- Handwriting Practice Worksheets Letters (Upper and Lower Case) - Scroll to the bottom of the handwriting section and look for the titles.
- Handwriting Practice Worksheets Dot Print Letters (Lower Case) - Scroll to the bottom of the handwriting section and look for the titles.
- Handwriting Practice Worksheets Dot Print Letters (Upper Case) - Scroll to the bottom of the handwriting section and look for the titles.
- Letter formation guide for teachers and parents - This sheet shows how to form individual letters correctly. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Letter Formation - Homework sheet ; write 4 sentences leave space between the words in a sentence.
- Tracing Paper - Type your child's name or any word. The program automatically opens a new window and then fills the page of the name or words to be printed and traced
- Reading and Writing - Students use pictures to identify four words, then use the words to complete four simple sentences.
- Spelling City - Handwriting worksheets; SpellingCity allows anyone to print a saved spelling list as a handwriting worksheet. Each word is on a separate line in light writing for tracing with several spaces next to it for copying.
- Writing the Alphabet - Zaner-Bloser letters, showing student how to form letters, capital and small with tablet line placement. Select a letter at the bottom to see an animation of the strokes to write the letters of the alphabet
- Cursive: Lowercase - Alphabet Animation - To see the animation, move your mouse over a letter on this page. (from the site, Handwriting for Kids)
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