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Ancient History Era 3


TN Social Studies Standards - 2008-2009 Implementation

Ancient History - Era 3


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Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 AD)

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4

Ancient History Curriculum Standards
3402 - Social Studies
Performance Indicators:

Internet Resources
1.1 understand the relationship between physical environments and culture
Level 1 - describe the location of major cultural attributes such as language, religion, political systems, economic systems, and population centers in the growing empires (e.g., Greek city-states, Phoenician, Roman, Persian empires, and Chinese dynasties)
Level 1 - describe how human characteristics make specific regions of the world distinctive
Level 2 - indicate how societies developed a special culture due to their environmental conditions (e.g., the Phoenician trading culture, the Aegean city-state system, Jewish monotheism)
Level 2 - contrast the difference cultures that arise between land and water based communities. (e.g., pastoral nomadic societies, trade societies)
Level 3 - analyze the role of cultural diffusion and interactions among Earth’s human systems in the ongoing development of Earth’s cultural landscapes (e.g., Greek colonies in the Black Sea, North Africa, and the Western Mediterranean)
Level 3 - analyze the role culture plays in incidents of cooperation and conflict in the contemporary world (e.g., continual warfare for resources and religion)

1.2 recognize how cultural and individual’s perceptions affect places and regions.

Level 1 - describe characteristics of physical environments that contribute to the growth and development of cultures
Level 2 - recognize that the Sumerian, Egyptian, and Greek societies saw themselves in relation to their gods, and how attitudes toward women appeared in relation to their goddesses
Level 2 - describe how cultural life in the Hellenistic era was a diffusion of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian art and architecture because of assimilation, conquest, trade, and migration
Level 2 - indicate the major religious beliefs and social framework in India that gave rise to Brahmanism
Level 3 - analyze how communication, transportation and other forms of technology contribute to the development of a culture
1.3 understand how language, art, music, belief systems, traditions, science, technology, values and behaviors contribute to the development and transmission of culture.
Level 1 - explain how information and experiences may be interpreted differently from people of diverse cultural perspectives and frames of reference
Level 2 - demonstrate how language, art, music, belief systems, and other cultural elements facilitate global understanding or cause misunderstanding
Level 2 - identify the social development and the religious beliefs of the Jewish civilization. (e.g., the development of the Jewish kingdoms, Jews' maintenance of religious and cultural traditions despite destruction of kingdoms, the significance of the Torah)
Level 2 - indicate the major tenants of Persian religious beliefs (e.g., basic teachings of Zoroastrianism, religious relationship to society and politics)
Level 2 - recognize the cultural elements of Kush society (e.g., linguistic, architectural, and artistic achievements )
Level 2 - identify the achievements of Roman society (e.g., legal, artistic, architectural, technological and literary)
Level 2 - recognize the artistic achievements of the Han dynasty
Level 3 - analyze how Greek drama and mythology reveal ancient moral values and cultural traditions
Level 3 - debate the lasting significance of great empire language, myths, religion, and writings
1.4 understand the role that diverse cultures and historical experiences had on the development of the world.
Level 1 - explain how information and experiences may be interpreted differently from people of diverse cultural perspectives and frames of reference
Level 2 - recognize significant Greek writings, art, literature, and mythology (e.g., prominent ideas of Greek philosophers, significance and major works of Greek historians, the significant events and subsequent lessons in tragedies and comedies, and events of every day life, major characteristics of Hellenistic sculpture, architecture, and pottery)
Level 2 - indicate the differences among religious groups. (e.g., Judaism, Greek mythology, Zoroastrianism)
Level 2 - compare and contrast Roman writings and mythology with Greek writings and mythology
Level 2 - recognize the events that gave birth to Christianity (e.g., the story of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, the messages of Jesus' prominent parables)
Level 2 - recognize the events that gave prominence to Buddhism (e.g., the life and story of Buddha, Buddha's essential teachings and their response to the Brahmanic system, Indian epic stories)
Level 3 - evaluate how the great empire stories, traditions, myths, language, writings, and culture affects the world today
Level 3 - debate the status of women and children within the great empires

2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3

Ancient History Curriculum Standards
3402 - Social Studies
Performance Indicators:

Internet Resources
2.1 understand economic connections, conflicts, and interdependence.
Level 1 - explain the changing relationship of supply and demand in great empire communities
Level 1 - list evidence that supports the growing importance of trade to the great empires
Level 2 - recognize economic relationships that resulted among different great empire economies. (e.g., trade, slavery, farming, civil service)
Level 3 - compare and contrast the interactions among empire economic systems (e.g., evidence of early trade systems)
2.2 understand the changes that occur in the nature, use, distribution, and importance of resources
Level 1 - identify great empire economy systems
Level 2 - study influences on the economic Roman empire (e.g., trade, conquest, commercial connections)
Level 3 - appraise the relationship among scarcity of resources, economic development, and conflict

2.3 recognize the importance of technologies on economic development

Level 1 - explain the relationship between the use, availability, and accessibility of resources and the subsequent technological developments
Level 2 - identify the commercial significance of the trans-Eurasian silk road economy
Level 2 - recognize the importance of Phoenician trade to the spread of the alphabet
Level 2 - identify the importance of the trading society the Lydians of Asia Minor as the first society to use coined money rather than barter

3.1 | 3.2

Ancient History Curriculum Standards
3402 - Social Studies
Performance Indicators:

Internet Resources
3.1 understand the importance of physical geographic features on world historic events
Level 1 - recognize and name major physical geographic features and climate of the great empire world
Level 1 - know the importance of the physical setting of Canann to its subsequent society (e.g., the Jordan River northern valley, natural produce, desert region to the south of the Dead sea, arid plateau, use as a land bridge between Asia and Africa)
Level 2 - examine the ways in which physical geographic features influence interaction of individuals and civilizations
Level 2 - recognize the physical barriers that isolated some civilizations for thousands of years
Level 2 - identify how Canaan's location became a disadvantage to conquering armies (e.g., Egyptians, Syrians, Assyrians, Persians, Babylonians)
Level 2 - indicate how the mountainous region of Greece gave rise to individual city-states rather than a unified kingdom due to its physical geography
Level 3 - assess the relative importance of physical geographic features on the great empires (e.g,. plains, plateaus, mountains, hills, water sources)
3.2 understand human geographic interactions and their impact on world historic events.
Level 1 - recall examples of how great empires impacted their surrounding environment
Level 2 - recognize how the Persians initially manipulated the environment in order to expand their empire from southeastern Europe to the Indus River Valley (e.g., Persian royal roads, assimilating local customs)
Level 2 - identify the success of the Phoenicians as a society due to their lack of available natural resources but as a sea trading power
Level 3 - evaluate how great empire societies utilized their surrounding physical geography. (grazing for sheep, mild climates for produce, waterways for trade)

Governance and Civics
4.1 | 4.2

Ancient History Curriculum Standards
3402 - Social Studies
Performance Indicators:

Internet Resources
4.1 explain the development of a people’s need to belong and organize into a system of governance.
Level 1 - recognize the relationship between a place's physical, political and cultural characteristics and the type of governance that emerges in that place
Level 2 - recognize the political characteristics of Chinese society under early imperial dynasties (e.g., the "mandate to heaven" given to the Zhou dynasty, the development of imperial rule, comparisons between the Shang, Quin, and Han Empires and their governance style)
Level 2 - compare and contrast Hellenistic governance systems (e.g., Athenian democracy, Spartan military aristocracy)
Level 2 - differentiate among the political responsibilities required of Hellenistic peoples. (e.g., hierarchical relationships, civic duties of men and women from different classes)
Level 3 - analyze the political legacy of Roman and Greek society in today's world
4.2 identify how cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control resources, rights, and privileges
Level 1 - recognize the role of individuals in differing governance structures; list the importance of universal communication systems to growing empires
Level 2 - compare and contrast roles of individuals in different forms of governance
Level 2 - indicate the changing role of governance throughout the Roman empire (e.g., major phases in the empire's expansion, imperial rule over Roman society, transformation from republic to empire)
Level 2 - identify how religious beliefs began to influence governance structures
Level 2 - recognize how imperial systems required an active bureaucratic system. (e.g., Han dynasty)
Level 2 - recognize the significant military developments of the Persian Empire (e.g., wars between Persia and the Greek city-states, founding under Darius the Great, warfare under Alexander, Persia's subsequent failure)
Level 3 - debate whether religion did impact governance structures (e.g., Brahman response to Buddhist teachings)
Level 3 - analyze Alexander as a military and political leader (e.g., disintegration of his empire after his death, campaigns, battles)
Level 3 - expl

5.1 | 5.3

Ancient History Curriculum Standards
3402 - Social Studies
Performance Indicators:

Internet Resources
5.1 understand the chronological flow of historical eras and events in Ancient History.
Level 2 - recognize the technological and cultural innovation and change from 1000 to 600 BCE
Level 2 - identify how the Aegean civilization emerged and how interrelations developed within the Eastern Mediterranean and Southwest Asia from 600 to 200 BCE
Level 2 - identify how major religious and large scale empires arose in the Mediterranean region, China, and India from 500 BCE to 300 CE
Level 2 - know how early agrarian civilizations arose in Mesoamerica
Level 3 - develop an "imaginary" civilization consistent with early human civilizations, given a set of environmental conditions
5.3 understand how historical information is collected, recorded, interpreted, transmitted, and disseminated across various historical eras
Level 1 - identify and label key traits of the various civilizations
Level 2 - compare and contrast growing major global trends from 1000 BCE to 300 CE (e.g., slavery found in the Han, the Maurya, the Greek and Roman empires, centralization of religious thought, enduring ideas, art forms, and written languages, development of technology
Level 2 - construct time lines to show sequences of important dates and events
Level 3 - analyze the difficulty in studying Olmec (Mesoamerican) civilization based on available archaeological evidence
Level 3 - weigh the relative impact of world civilizations upon the modern world

Individuals, Groups and Interactions

Ancient History Curriculum Standards
3402 - Social Studies
Performance Indicators:

Internet Resources
6.1 understand the extent to which individuals, groups and institutions interact to produce continuity and change throughout world history.
Level 1 - recall examples of two groups’ interaction such as economic, political, social and cultural exchanges
Level 2 - identify the individual significance of religious leaders (e.g., Jesus of Nazareth, Buddha)
Level 2 - describe how Jesus conflicted with and agreed with larger Jewish society (e.g., expansion of Ten Commandments, friction with established Judaism and Roman empire, stories and values expressed through teachings)
Level 2 - identify the contributions of individual rulers to their greater societies (e.g., Alexander, Cincinnatus, Scipio Africanus, Julius Caesar, Augustus, Nero, Marcus Aurelius, Constantine, Cleopatra, Qin emperor Shi Huangdi)

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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