TN Social Studies Standards - 2008-2009 Implementation
Ancient History - Era 4
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Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD)
Ancient History Curriculum Standards
3402 - Social Studies
Performance Indicators: Internet Resources Level 1 - identify the basic components of Hinduism (e.g., concept of dharma, roles of family and friends, Brahma, khrama, caste system, ritual sacrifice, reincarnation) Level 2 - identify the influence geography on the growth of Hinduism and Buddhism in Eastern and Southeast Asia. (e.g., trade, ocean currents, physical geography) Level 2 - identify the response of Christianity and Buddhism to the fall of the Roman and Han Empires Level 2 - recognize the spread of Islam in Southwest Asia and Mediterranean region and its subsequent divisions between Sunni and Shi'ite (e.g., life of Muhammad, basic tents and beliefs, five pillars) Level 2 - describe the growing appeal of Christianity and Buddhism to people living from the third to fifth centuries Level 2 - read the basic beliefs of Shintoism in order to discover legends in Japanese history Level 3 - analyze the unique art and architectural expression that emerged from the spread of Islam Level 3 - evaluate the spread and adaptation of Buddhism from China to Korea and Japan Level 3 - investigate the cultural and technological achievements of Tang China (e.g., poetry, landscape, painting, pottery, road building, canal implementation) Level 3 - evaluate the role of the griot in West African society Level 1 - review the historical status of women in children Level 2 - recognize the changing role of women from pagan Roman to the spread of Christianity Level 2 - compare and contrast the cultural role of women in court and as authors in Imperial Japan with the status of men in government and politics Level 2 - identify the growing influence of the monastery in European development (e.g., monasteries, convents, and missionaries from Britain to Ireland) Level 2 - recognize the social factors of Mayan (e.g., art and architecture, status of women, social class, political structure) Level 3 - analyze the social relationships and technology advancements in India during the Gupta era (e.g., gender roles, caste system, legal restrictions) Level 3 - evaluate the influence of Islam on cultural ideas and social practices (e.g., family, morals, marriage, inheritance, slavery, non-Muslims) Level 3 - appraise Korea's adaptation of Chinese and Japanese culture and society for survival
Ancient History Curriculum Standards
3402 - Social Studies
Performance Indicators: Internet Resources Level 1 - describe the spatial organization of economic trade networks Level 1 - explain the major components of and reasons for world trade Level 1 - explain the role of transportation and communication networks in the development of economic activities Level 2 - recognize the importance of international trade for African and Eurasian societies Level 3 - evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the growing economic patterns Level 1 - describe the characteristics, location, and use of renewable and nonrenewable resources Level 1 - explain the relationship between the use, availability, and accessibility of resources and a country’s standard of living, including the role of technology in resource acquisition and use Level 1 - describe world patterns of resource distribution and utilization Level 2 - identify the economic and agricultural elements of Mayan society (e.g., Mayan trade, rise of city states, development in agriculture) Level 2 - understands the growth of economic exchanges from different regions from 300 to 1000 CE (e.g., Muslims mediating long distances, food crop exchange, migrating peoples, and settlement connections)
Ancient History Curriculum Standards
3402 - Social Studies
Performance Indicators: Internet Resources Level 1 - recognize and name major physical geographic features of this era Level 2 - indicate the effect of geography on different groups and their trade practices Level 2 - recognize the geographic significance of Baghdad Level 2 - identify the geographic influence on Japan's status with the kingdom's of Korea and China Level 3 - assess the relative importance of physical geographic features on world historic and current events Level 1 - locate the urban areas and major geographical regions of Tang China Level 1 - know that Pacific Islanders and New Zealand natives used navigational techniques to journey long routes Level 1 - know the maritime and overland trade routes linking regions of Afro-Eurasia and Europe Level 2 - identify how the location and network of canals forever changed life in China Level 3 - determine which factors have been most significant in the development of the modern world Level 3 - evaluate how early migrants carried plants and animals with them in the Pacific Islands and New Zealand affecting existing flora and fauna
Ancient History Curriculum Standards
3402 - Social Studies
Performance Indicators: Internet Resources Level 1 - recognize the relationship between a place's physical, political and cultural characteristics and the type of governance that emerges in that place Level 1 - review the rise to power of Roman and Han empires Level 2 - list possible political reasons for the decline of Roman and Han empires. (e.g., significant battles, internal divisions, political changes, and invasions) Level 2 - identify the political events that shaped the Gupta empire Level 2 - recognize the changing influence from the Carolingian Empire on the development of European civilization (e.g., Charlemagne's royal court, monasteries' preservation of Greco-Roman learning, contribution of Christian learning, conflict among secular and papacy Level 3 - rate the implementation and relative success of governance systems Level 1 - review the political and social motivation for the Roman empire's relocation of their capital to Byzantine Level 2 - identify how Byzantine withstood attacks between the 8 th and 10 th CE centuries Level 2 - list the strengths and weaknesses of the Abbasid, Byzantine and Sassamid governments and military institutions Level 2 - understand the significance of Norse migrations and invasions ( e.g., independent lords, knightly class, locations of settlements) Level 2 - compare and contrast the size of European empires to that of Byzantium Level 2 - trace the development of state building in West Africa Level 3 - evaluate the blending of Islamic beliefs with establishing an empire Level 3 - evaluate the political shifts in power during 9 th and 10 th century Europe (e.g., royalty, counts, dukes, hereditary autonomous power over land and people)
Ancient History Curriculum Standards
3402 - Social Studies
Performance Indicators: Internet Resources Level 2 - recognize imperial crises and subsequent aftermath in various regions from 300 to 700 CE Level 2 - identify the development of the Islam in the world from 7 th to 10 th CE Level 2 - Explore the major developments in East and Southeast Asia from 600 to 900 CE (e.g., Tan dynasty, Japanese imperialism) Level 2 - Identify the changing world of Europe from 500 to 1000 CE (e.g., growth of missionaries, Merovigian and Caroligian states, Norse invasions) Level 2 - compare and contrast the development of agricultural societies in tropical Africa and Oceania Level 2 - indicate the rise of civilizations in Mesoamerica and Andean South America in First millennia CE Level 3 - develop an "imaginary" civilization consistent with early human civilizations, given a set of environmental conditions. This would include an understanding of social, religious, and economic factors Level 1 - identify and label key traits of the various civilizations Level 2 - research the expanding zones of exchange and encounter from 300-1000- CE by utilizing surviving evidence and artifacts (e.g., the spread of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam throughout diverse cultures, international trade)
Individuals, Groups and Interactions
6.1Ancient History Curriculum Standards
3402 - Social Studies
Performance Indicators: Internet Resources Level 1 - recall examples of two groups’ interaction such as economic, political, social and cultural exchanges Level 2 - identify the significance of Charlemagne as an individual. (e.g., government, laws, conquest, personality) Level 2 - know the story of Alfred the Great of England Level 3 - evaluate the significance of Clovis's conversion to Christianity and its affects on the Frankish and Saxon peoples![]()
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