TN Conceptual Physics Standards - 2008-2009 Implementation
Electricity and Magnetism
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Science Curriculum Standards
3237 - Conceptual Physics Internet Resources
- Voltage Circuit Simulator - This exercise will help you determine the relationship between voltage (V), amperage (I) and resistance (R). This relationship is called Ohm's Law.
- Ohm’s Law - This applet shows a simple circuit containing one resistor. In addition there is a voltmeter (parallel to the resistor) and an ammeter (in series with the resistor)
- Ohm's Law (includes Voltage law and Current law)
- Magnetic Field of a Straight Current-Carrying Wire - This applet simulates an experiment concerning the magnetic field of a straight current-carrying wire.
- Simple AC Circuits - This Java applet shows a simple circuit consisting of an alternating voltage source and, depending on the selected radio button, a resistor (without inductivity), a capacitor or an ideal coil (without resistance).
- Combinations of Resistors - an applet illustrating either series or parallel
- Combinations of Resistors, Inductors and Capacitors - java applet
- Magnetic Field of a Bar Magnet - The magnetic field of a bar magnet can be investigated with this compass needle applet.
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