TN Conceptual Physics Standards - 2008-2009 Implementation
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Science Curriculum Standards
3237 - Conceptual Physics Internet Resources
- Evaluating Exponents of Negative Numbers - AAA Math lesson and practice problems
- Exponent Practice - Try a workout of 10 problems. If you get at least 8 correct on your first attempt, then you're ready to move on. If not, review "In Depth" and try again.
- Exponents - Unit 3 from Ms. Glosser's Math Goodies
- How to Simplify a Number - part of being approximate is simplifying numbers
- Simplifying - Expressions that have had their like terms combined. Match each expression on the left with an expression on the right. Type the letter of the correct expression in the box.
- Simplifying Radical Expressions - Intermediate Algebra tutorial
- Simplifying Radicals - basic information about perfect square numbers [This expired page is brought to you by the Internet archive, the Wayback Machine.]
- Simplifying Radicals - explanation and practice problems
- Symbols of Inclusion - simplify each expression and choose the correct comparison symbol
Use the distributive property to simplify numerical and variable expressions - an eleven slide PowerPoint show which use animation effectively to teach the concept
Find Slope and y-Intercept - [15 slides] designed as a bellwork assignment, this show gives practice at reading slope and intercept from graphs
- How to Use the Slope Intercept Form (in Algebra) - explanation from Wiki How-to
Linear Equation in Two Variables - a 27 slide show with good examples and explanation
- Learning about Rate of Change in Linear Functions Using Interactive Graphs - lesson plan from NCTM
Make a Scatter Plot with Excel - this step-by-step lesson makes a linear graph from a set of x- and y- values, inserts a trend line and labels the linear equation used
- The Meaning of Slope and y-Intercept in the Context of Word Problems - explanation and three examples from Purple Math
Practice Converting Linear Equations into Slope-Intercept Form - [11 slides] this show provides several opportunities for student practice - Expanded version of this show [25 slides]
- Rate of Change: Connecting Slope to Real Life - a lesson on using slope to find the rate of change accompanied by graphs and explanations
- Rate of Change Practice Problems - nine practice problems (including a graph to interpret) followed by an answer key
- Save Our Dumb Planet - [a linear equation game] Deduce correct flight path equations and then plot co-ordinates accurately to ensure your missiles hit their targets and destroy the rogue meteors heading on a collision course with Earth!
- Using the X and Y Intercept to Graph Linear Equations - This follow up to the lesson on rate of change deals with linear equations written in standard form rather than slope intercept form
- Finding the X Intercept and Y Intercept to Graph Standard Form Equations - five practice problems to practice using what was learned in the lesson above, followed by an answer key
- Slope Intercept Form - a way to express the equation of a line - interactive practice followed by practice problems
Slope-Intercept Form - [12 slides] this show uses animation very effectively, provides examples and the chance for student response and invludes a great real-world application of slope-intercept
Slope Intercept Jeopardy - this show is in Jeopardy format; with five categories each with five questions - good for a while class review
- Writing Equation of a Line - [short opening promo included] video lesson from
Writing the Equation of a Line - a 15 slide show with practice problems
- Density Demonstration: Coke vs Diet Coke - lab activity, with associated picture, that would make a good real-world activity for a math or science class
Density Review - [14 slides] review of density, several problems to work, several slides showing pictures of layers of liquids of different densities
- Disaster Math - Six sets of math quizzes; Earthquake Math, Hurricane Math, Tornado Math, Wild Fire Math, Winter Storm Math, and Flood Math.
- Fly By Math - Distance-Rate-Time Problems in Air Traffic Control designed for grades 5-9 - five separate problems each with associated handouts and videos
- Hot or Not Activity - Temperature Conversion Worksheet - delete question one (related to another activity) and you will have twelve temperature conversion peoblems for your students
- Half-Life Worksheet - ten sample problems for your students plus a digram explaining how to visualize the calculation of half-life
- Half-Life Worksheet - a table with sample half-life periods is given, another table is for students to fill in answers. The two tables are followed by seven word problems
- Line Up With Math - Math based decisions in Air Traffic Control designed for grades 5-9 - This site has an overview, an interactive air traffic simulator and six problems
- Manifest Density - [the pun is bad but the unit plan packet is great] - a 41 page unit plan with many good activities for math or science classes
- Mass, Volume, and Density - links to six activities, each of which require student responses from the Math and Science Activity Center of EdInformatics
- Mass, Volume, and Density Assessment - Two assessment quizzes are available each containing 10 questions each based on the topics contained in the Mass, Volume Density Module above.
- Problem Sets - Problem sets are currently available for the following topics in Mechanics (Physical Science). Each problem set consists of 25-35 problems which vary in difficulty. A problem set includes the problems, a concealed answer which can be revealed by clicking a button, and an audio-guided solution.
- Rate - work through the lesson, experiment with the interactive figure and then answer ten questions [caution: do not submit until you have selected answers to all of the questions]
- Temperature Conversion Worksheet - there's a table to fill out and several conversion problems; Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Temperature Conversions - this explanation of how to convert from one temperature scale to another is followed by four printable worksheets and four online quizzes to practice the skill
- British and Metric Conversions - a series of pages relating to converting to or from metric units
- Calculating the Density of a Liquid - tutorial on the math involved plus sample questions
- Calculating Density of a Solid - tutorial on the math involved plus sample questions
- Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius - interactive problem from Annenberg
- Converting Length Measurements - use your knowledge of meters, centimeters and millimeters to answer questions to build a shed
- Finding the Mass of an Object - tutorial on using a triple-beam balance which includes questions to answer
- Finding the Volume of an Object - tutorial on using a graduated cylinder which includes questions to answer
- Platform Scales Addition - weigh several items and find the sum in hundredths of a gram
- Platform Scales Subtraction - weigh several items and find the difference in hundredths of a gram
- Teaching Measures - links to length, mass, or capacity activities and printables - good for using on an interactive whiteboard for a whole class activity
- Transparency Master - use this high quality picture of a block of metal on a triple beam balance as a review for your students
- Using a Graduated Cylinder - [L and mL] a whole class activity for reading a scale, estimating and converting between units
- Using a Platform Scale - practice using scales like the one in a doctor's office, five Gregs will drop on the scale, waiting to be weighed, see how quickly you can weigh them
- Using a Ruler - a whole class activity for reading a ruler, estimating and converting between units
- British and Metric Conversions - interactives for converting between metric and English units
- Computation Castle - a game that requires the utilization of several math skills: mixed numbers/improper fractions, equivalent fractions, metric conversions, exponents, rounding to the nearest thousands and thousandths and place value
Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius - an Internet4Classrooms tutorial
- Hot or Not Activity - Temperature Conversion Worksheet - delete question one (related to another activity) and you will have twelve temperature conversion peoblems for your students
- Interactive Units Converter - Here you will find interactive calculators for many measurement systems both commonly used like metric and U.S. Avoirdupois and quite exotic like Ancient Greek and Roman.
- Matthew Metric's Gum Parlor - a game for converting metric units of length
- Measure converter - Full Conversion Table (sorted by Measure Unit Name)
- Temperature Conversion Worksheet - there's a table to fill out and several conversion problems; Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Temperature Conversions - this explanation of how to convert from one temperature scale to another is followed by four printable worksheets and four online quizzes to practice the skill
- Disaster Math - Six sets of interactive word problems: Earthquake Math, Hurricane Math, Tornado Math, Wild Fire Math, Winter Storm Math, and Flood Math.
- Exploring Baby Weight Mathematically - A baby's weight changes dramatically in the first weeks of life. For example, students will look at data for Baby Kevin and Baby David.
- Finding the X Intercept and Y Intercept to Graph Standard Form Equations - five practice problems to practice using what was learned in the lesson above, followed by an answer key
- Fly By Math - Distance-Rate-Time Problems in Air Traffic Control designed for grades 5-9 - five separate problems each with associated handouts and videos
- Line Up With Math - Math based decisions in Air Traffic Control designed for grades 5-9 - This site has an overview, an interactive air traffic simulator and six problems
- Ms. Lindquist: The Tutor - A free, web-delivered, intelligent tutoring system for tutoring students in writing expressions for algebra word problems. This site is sponsored by NSF.
- Solving Math Word Problems - A Study Guides and Strategies web site posted by the University of St. Thomas
- Rate - work through the lesson, experiment with the interactive figure and then answer ten questions [caution: do not submit until you have selected answers to all of the questions]
- Rate of Change: Connecting Slope to Real Life - a lesson on using slope to find the rate of change accompanied by graphs and explanations
- Rate of Change Practice Problems - nine practice problems (including a graph to interpret) followed by an answer key
- Using the X and Y Intercept to Graph Linear Equations - This follow up to the lesson on rate of change deals with linear equations written in standard form rather than slope intercept form
- Stressed Out - Slope as Rate of Change
Taming Word Problems - a WebQuest
- Teacher Dodgeball - fill in numbers on an equation - Each blank of the equation stands for a number on a teacher. Hit the teacher with the number that goes next in the equation by clicking on them.
- Translating Word Problems - The hardest thing about doing word problems is taking the English problem and translating it into math. A lesson from Purplemath, a great Algebra resource.
- Using Mathematical Sentences - how to create and solve mathematical sentences
- Word Problems For Kids - This is a set of carefully selected problems (grade 5 to Grade 12) which can help you improve your problem solving skills.
Find Slope and y-Intercept - [15 slides] designed as a bellwork assignment, this show gives practice at reading slope and intercept from graphs
- How to Use the Slope Intercept Form (in Algebra) - explanation from Wiki How-to
Linear Equation in Two Variables - a 27 slide show with good examples and explanation
- Learning about Rate of Change in Linear Functions Using Interactive Graphs - lesson plan from NCTM
- Line of Best Fit
- Line of Best Fit - using graph paper and a strand of spaghetti (uncooked)
- Line of Best Fit - using a graphing calculator
- Line of Best Fit - This activity (from Illuminations) allows the user to enter a set of data, plot the data on a coordinate grid, and determine the equation for a line of best fit.
- Line of Best Fit Applet - you can enter up to 10 points in the given chart
- Line of Best Fit Explanation - [format: discussion between student and mentor] why the line of best fit does not always touch as many points as possible on a scatter plot
- Linear Regression and Excel - suggestions on making graphs displaying linear regression as well as making modifiations to the trend lines.
- Regression - Plot a bivariate data set, determine the line of best fit for their data, and then check the accuracy of your line of best fit
- Scatter Plot and Line of Best Fit - use interactive grid to create your own scatter plot(s)
- Using a Graphing Calculator to Display the Line of Best Fit - specific to the TI-83+/84+ graphing calculator
Make a Scatter Plot with Excel - this step-by-step lesson makes a linear graph from a set of x- and y- values, inserts a trend line and labels the linear equation used
- The Meaning of Slope and y-Intercept in the Context of Word Problems - explanation and three examples from Purple Math
Practice Converting Linear Equations into Slope-Intercept Form - [11 slides] this show provides several opportunities for student practice - Expanded version of this show [25 slides]
- Rate of Change: Connecting Slope to Real Life - a lesson on using slope to find the rate of change accompanied by graphs and explanations
- Rate of Change Practice Problems - nine practice problems (including a graph to interpret) followed by an answer key
- Save Our Dumb Planet - [a linear equation game] Deduce correct flight path equations and then plot co-ordinates accurately to ensure your missiles hit their targets and destroy the rogue meteors heading on a collision course with Earth!
- Using the X and Y Intercept to Graph Linear Equations - This follow up to the lesson on rate of change deals with linear equations written in standard form rather than slope intercept form
- Finding the X Intercept and Y Intercept to Graph Standard Form Equations - five practice problems to practice using what was learned in the lesson above, followed by an answer key
- Slope Intercept Form - a way to express the equation of a line - interactive practice followed by practice problems
Slope-Intercept Form - [12 slides] this show uses animation very effectively, provides examples and the chance for student response and invludes a great real-world application of slope-intercept
Slope Intercept Jeopardy - this show is in Jeopardy format; with five categories each with five questions - good for a while class review
- Writing Equation of a Line - [short opening promo included] video lesson from
Writing the Equation of a Line - a 15 slide show with practice problems
- Density Demonstration: Coke vs Diet Coke - lab activity, with associated picture, that would make a good real-world activity for a math or science class
Density Review - [14 slides] review of density, several problems to work, several slides showing pictures of layers of liquids of different densities
- Disaster Math - Six sets of math quizzes; Earthquake Math, Hurricane Math, Tornado Math, Wild Fire Math, Winter Storm Math, and Flood Math.
- Fly By Math - Distance-Rate-Time Problems in Air Traffic Control designed for grades 5-9 - five separate problems each with associated handouts and videos
- Hot or Not Activity - Temperature Conversion Worksheet - delete question one (related to another activity) and you will have twelve temperature conversion peoblems for your students
- Half-Life Worksheet - ten sample problems for your students plus a digram explaining how to visualize the calculation of half-life
- Half-Life Worksheet - a table with sample half-life periods is given, another table is for students to fill in answers. The two tables are followed by seven word problems
- Line Up With Math - Math based decisions in Air Traffic Control designed for grades 5-9 - This site has an overview, an interactive air traffic simulator and six problems
- Manifest Density - [the pun is bad but the unit plan packet is great] - a 41 page unit plan with many good activities for math or science classes
- Mass, Volume, and Density - links to six activities, each of which require student responses from the Math and Science Activity Center of EdInformatics
- Mass, Volume, and Density Assessment - Two assessment quizzes are available each containing 10 questions each based on the topics contained in the Mass, Volume Density Module above.
- Problem Sets - Problem sets are currently available for the following topics in Mechanics (Physical Science). Each problem set consists of 25-35 problems which vary in difficulty. A problem set includes the problems, a concealed answer which can be revealed by clicking a button, and an audio-guided solution.
- Rate - work through the lesson, experiment with the interactive figure and then answer ten questions [caution: do not submit until you have selected answers to all of the questions]
- Temperature Conversion Worksheet - there's a table to fill out and several conversion problems; Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Temperature Conversions - this explanation of how to convert from one temperature scale to another is followed by four printable worksheets and four online quizzes to practice the skill
- Demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem - from NOVA
- Interactive Proof of Pythagoras' theorem - This Java applet was written by Jim Morey. It won grand prize in Sun Microsystem's Java programming contest in the Summer of 1995.
- Nineteen Pythagorean Theorem applets
- Proof of the theorem is demonstrated through a Quicktime animation.
- Pyramid Panic - [a geometry game] Apply increasingly-complex rules of geometry to help an imprisoned Mummy build pathways out of its pyramid prison and escape from the jaws of a hungry Egyptian demon
- Pythagorean Explorer - Students find the length of a side of a right triangle by using the Pythagorean Theorem, and then check their answers.
- Pythagorean Theorem - Discover how the Pythagorean Formula describes the relationships between the lengths of the legs and hypotenuse of a right triangle. Work through the lesson, experiment with the interactive figure and then answer five questions. [caution: do not submit until you have selected answers to all of the questions]
- Pythagorean Theorem - five question multiple-choice quiz from Glencoe Math
- Pythagorean Theorem: 1 - a java applet that allows students to investigate this theorem.
- Pythagorean Theorem: 2 - another java applet that allows students to investigate this theorem, similar to the one above.
- Pythagorean Theorem - This lesson will allow you to figure out the Pythagorean Theorem all by yourself.
- Pythagorean Theorem and its many proofs (43 to be precise)
- Pythagorean theorem and right triangle facts - given the length of three sides, determine if a right triangle is being described [8 questions]
- The Pythagorean Theorem, Distance Formula and Intro to Trigonometry - other practice activities
- Solving a right triangle - This example illustrates how finding the height of the pyramid is equivalent to solving the right triangle. The virtual reality media can help students visualize the interrelation between the 3-dimensional pyramid and the 2-dimensional right triangle.
- Squaring the Triangle - Students learn about how the Pythagorean Theorem works, through investigating the standard geometric proof. Parameters: Sizes of the legs of the triangle.
- Using the Pythagorean Theorem - Once you know the equation a2 + b2 = c2 is true, then you can use it to solve all kinds of problems. Try the Pythagorean theorem with two other examples given on this page.
- Artie Ounces Soda Jerk - interactive game to practice converting ounces to pints and quarts
- Learning about Length, Perimeter, Area, and Volume of Similar Objects Using Interactive Figures: Side Length and Area of Similar Figures - This two-part example illustrates how students can learn about the length, perimeter, area, and volume of similar objects using dynamic figures. This NCTM e-example includes an interactive applet
- Lesson on Non-Linear Functions - session 7 of Patterns, Functions, and Algebra from Annenberg
- Linear and Non Linear Functions - handout to print with explanation, example and practice problems
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