TN Environmental Science Standards
Earth System
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Science Curriculum Standards
3260 - Environmental Science Internet Resources
- Atmospheric Processes: Convection - lesson plan with several suggested activities
- Aviation Weather - the effects of convection [this expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine]
- Exploring What Causes Wind - lengthy discussion of several factors
- Heat Transfer
- Conduction - background information - Conduction lab lesson plan
- Convection - background information - Convection lab lesson plan
- Radiation - background information - Radiation lab lesson plan
- Solar Oven - instructions on building a pizza box solar oven
- How Winds Form - high quality transparency master
- Introduction to Environmental Science - a sixty-six slide PowerPoint show in the form of an Adobe Acrobat document with a large number of good images related to the effect of convection on weather events
- Instability - how convection is related to lightning and storms
- Unstable Weather - how convection currents affect instability
- What Causes Wind? - discussion of several factors
- Wind - Explanation from Dan's Wild Weather Page
- Wind: What is it and What Causes it? - good explanation from Weather Wiz Kids
Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics - a 40 slide show with excellent images and animations. [this expired slide show is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine]
- This Dynamic Earth - The story of Plate Tectonics from the USGS
- Hell's Crust: Our Ever Changing Planet - from the PBS Savage Earth series, several good animations can be found at this site.
- Major Tectonic Plates of the World - The earth's surface is broken into seven large and many small moving plates clearly labeled on this map
- Major Types of Plate Boundaries - good illustration from the USGS
- Movement of Seismic Waves - high quality transparency master
- Moving Slabs - simple tectonic plate map from USGS
- Plate Tectonics - from a show hosted by WHYY [this expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine]
- Plate Tectonics - the Cause of Earthquakes [this expired page is also from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine]
- Plate Tectonics map and a description of the three types of boundaries.
- Plate Tectonic Movement Visualizations - index of a large number of resources
- Plate Tectonics Practice Exam - twenty-two multiple-choice questions developed by university students
- Plate Tectonic Puzzle - lesson plan including puzzle pieces to cut out
- Plate Tectonics Quiz - ten multiple-choice questions from Geography4Kids
- Plate Tectonics Quiz - twelve multiple-choice questions, each on a separate page
- Plate Tectonics Quiz - press Start then click on the named part of the drawing - his is hard!
- Plate Tectonics Quiz - twenty multiple-choice questions from Glencoe Science
- Plate Tectonic Reconstruction Service - In this section you can calculate plate tectonic reconstructions of any age back to 150 My.
- Recent Earthquakes: Last 8 to 30 days - from USGS
- Science Odyssey: You Try It: Plate Tectonics - A hands-on exercise about plate tectonics and earthquakes from PBS. (requires Shockwave plug-in)
- Seismic Waves - This real-time 3D application allows users to create seismic waves of any magnitude and pass them through a variety of terrains. The student can view the seismic activity in the terrain through both a textured and wire frame view.
- Subduction - the birth place of a volcanic mountain range [good animation]
Teaching about Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics - plan for a virtual journey to the earth's center [this expired slide show is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine]
- Tectonic Plates - high quality transparency master
- Concept Maps and Graphic Orgasnizers
- Concept Maps Explained - Concept maps and story webs are visual ways to structure ideas. (sample included
- Education World Templates - seventeen graphic organizers to download and print or edit
- Essay Map - The Essay Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to organize and outline their ideas for an informational, definitional, or descriptive essay. Student Interactive from Read/Write/Think
- Five main types of organizers - links showing examples of many types
- Graphic Organizer Links - links to a large number of graphic organizers provided by Vermilion Parish School Board in Abbeville, LA - Second page of links from the same school system
Graphic Organizer Templates - Use these Graphic Organizer templates with your class using a given story.
- Graphic Organizers - from Enchanted Learning
- Graphic Organizers from Education Place - 38 graphic organizers to print, all in pdf format
- Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers - Three dozen different templates are available at this site. Click on a graphic organizer to download a PDF of it. Once you've downloaded an organizer, type your comments and print it.
Index of Graphic Organizers - from Inspiration
Instructions on how to use Excel to create a graphic organizer
- Interactive Graphic Organizers Sampler - This series of thinking tools covers a range of activities. These tools let you actively construct, examine, and modify your ideas. Currently seven of the planned seventeen thinking tools are available; look for the titles in green on the left.
- Teaching Tips: Graphic Organizers - A list of links from eMINTS and The Curators of the University of Missouri
- Text 2 Mind Map - a web application that converts texts to mind maps – Enter a structured list of words or sentences and Text2Mind Map will interpret it and make a mind map out of them that you can print.
- Using Graphic Organizers - Youthlearn
- Venn Diagram, 2 Circles - This interactive tool allows students to create Venn Diagrams that contain two overlapping circles, enabling them to organize their information logically. Student Interactive from Read/Write/Think
- Interactive Rock Cycle Animation - a cutaway view of Earth showing where some common rock-forming processes occur. Embedded animations will illustrate the path of a rock moving through the rock cycle.
- Introduction to Geology - a rock cycle quiz
- The Rock Cycle - Look at the diagram and see if you can trace a rock through the rock cycle.
- Rock Cycle from the Mineralogical Society of America
- Rock Cycle - a review lesson followed by a quiz [from McGraw Hill]
- Rock Cycle - a drag and drop quiz
- Rock Cycle Diagram - an Interactive site from Annenberg
- Rock Cycle Quiz - twenty multiple-choice questions, all on the same page
- Rock Cycle Quiz - nine multiple-choice questions, each on a separate page
- Rock Cycle Quiz - from Vision Learning - ten multiple-choice questions, some with accompanying photos
- Rock Cycle Quiz - ten definitions are given, you pick the correct term - multiple-choice format
- Rock Cycle Quizzes - there are three rock cycle quizzes at this site
- Rocky's Rock Cycle Games - Easy - Harder - drag the pictures into the correct place on the rock cycle drawing - from the Oxford University Museum of Natural History
- A Schematic Sketch of the Rock Cycle - boxes represent earth materials and arrows represent the processes that transform those materials
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