TN Physics Standards
Nuclear Physics
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Science Curriculum Standards
3231 - Physics Internet Resources
- Nuclear Notation
- Law of Radioactive Decay applet - As soon as the applet is started with the yellow button, the atomic nuclei will begin to "decay"
- Java applet illustrating Radioactive Decay Series for several substances
- Half-Life applet - choose any of sixteen isotopes and observe a representation of the decay accompanied by a graph
- Radioactive Half-Life - includes a link to an interactive Radioactive Decay Calculation
- Half-Life applet - choose any of sixteen isotopes and observe a representation of the decay accompanied by a graph
- Radioactive Half-Life - includes a link to an interactive Radioactive Decay Calculation
- Photoelectric Effect - a Java applet which simulates an experiment for the determination of the Planck constant and the work function
- Wave-Particle Duality and the Photoelectric Effect
- Quantum Properties of Light - including lasers and coherent light
- Photoelectric Effect - a Java applet which simulates an experiment for the determination of the Planck constant and the work function
- Wave-Particle Duality and the Photoelectric Effect
- Nuclear Particles including Data for a Scale Model of an Atom
- How can we see the structure of atom? This java applet allows a simulation of the same situation as in Rutherford's experiment. (Don't judge the physics of this Japanese physicist by his spelling)
- Use this java applet to play with colored balls (just like Quarks). Nori presents a variation on the same subject in this applet.
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